Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects.
- 0
camera not open sometime
#110 opened by nileshordex - 0
Select full image from photo gallery
#109 opened by zoufishanmehdi - 0
ALAssetsLibrary is deprecated iOS9 Please Help me Out
#108 opened by sahil216 - 0
flashButton clicking invalid
#107 opened by zhangmingjing - 0
Cropping Photo Library image move rect upward
#106 opened by mohdirfansaleem - 0
- 0
Black screen comes up when I click on camera button every once in a while
#104 opened by zoufishanmehdi - 0
Tried downloading source files but get errors related to
#103 opened by artangco - 1
camera image appears rotated
#100 opened by zoufishanmehdi - 3
Capture or select the full image from the photo library instead of square image
#98 opened by zoufishanmehdi - 0
Status bar issue
#99 opened by antoniachekrakchieva - 2
- 0
support for video capture
#97 opened by AsadJavid - 2
Swift 4 support
#95 opened by zoufishanmehdi - 1
When open TgCameraViewController
#93 opened by yosuke1985 - 0
- 0
Cropped image sometimes shifted to the left
#94 opened by theolof - 0
Carthage compatibility
#91 opened by damboscolo - 28
Custom rectangular shape crop
#74 opened by swabzz - 3
how to implement Burst effect.
#90 opened by ajay2c9 - 2
Use custom aspect ration
#89 opened by Marcopohlo - 2
Crashing when a picture is taken
#87 opened by jackpaster - 3
- (void)saveJPGImageAtDocumentDirectory:resultBlock:failureBlock: failed to save image to path
#79 opened by lichenglu - 4
ALAssetsLibrary is deprecated iOS9
#71 opened by Stan92 - 1
- 8
- 4
Features to improve
#73 opened by yao23 - 1
- 1
- 15
- 1
BackgroundColor of the big Circle
#72 opened by Stan92 - 7
- 6
Can support for videos?
#67 opened by thisarasr - 1
TGCameraViewController is not compatible with iOS 7. Please bump up the iOS version in podspec
#76 opened by abbasmousavi - 2
ERROR ITMS-90682: Invalid Bundle - The asset catalog at 'Payload/XXXXX/
#75 opened by ipraba - 1
- 9
takePhotoTapped not working
#69 opened by zoufishanmehdi - 2
#66 opened by MyOnlyOnlySunshine - 9
- 3
No UI release build Swift
#65 opened by jackintosh7 - 2
Taking photo leads to black screen
#61 opened by ryderjack - 14
use_frameworks! broke camera
#45 opened by Phillip3 - 1
Select multiple images at once
#62 opened by chamoda - 1
Zoom Support?
#68 opened by juliusbtesh - 2
Slow opening camera, take picture lag
#53 opened by canaksoy - 2
Customizing UI.
#47 opened by holahyunsik - 1
Swift Version
#50 opened by lfarah - 2
Black Screen on presenting TGCameraViewController
#51 opened by lfarah - 1
Possible to set front camera as default?
#48 opened by gvmatera - 2
Changing the colors / images of the buttons?
#46 opened by MattFedo