
Tutorial about machine learning for autism researchers

Primary LanguageR

Title: A tutorial on interpretable machine learning algorithms for understanding factors related to childhood autism

Abstract: machine learning is a research area in computer science which is concerned with algorithms which learn from large data sets. For example, the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) is a survey that results in a large data set that can be used with machine learning – can we predict if the child has autism, based on the other survey responses? How accurately can we predict? And what other survey responses are most useful for prediction? In this tutorial, I will show how machine learning can be used to answer these questions.

Slides: https://github.com/tdhock/2024-01-ml-for-autism/blob/main/HOCKING-slides-2024-02-26-ml-for-autism.pdf

See also code https://github.com/vas235/ASG3-machine-learning-prep from Vince which treats more than two years, and standardizes some variables between the years, using a JSON config file.

26 Mars 2024

figures-same-other/ contains CSV and figures to show that it is not just size that matters.


26 Feb 2024

HOCKING-slides-2024-02-26-ml-for-autism.tex makes HOCKING-slides-2024-02-26-ml-for-autism.pdf slides with new drawings

drawing-cv-feature-sets.svg makes drawing-cv-feature-sets.pdf

drawing-cv-same-other-years.svg makes drawing-cv-same-other-years-1.pdf drawing-cv-same-other-years-2.pdf drawing-cv-same-other-years-3.pdf drawing-cv-same-other-years-4.pdf

23 Feb 2024

download-nsch-mlr3batchmark.R launches jobs, here is a preliminary analysis of how much time and memory they take:

> usage.wide[order(megabytes_max), .(learner_id, task_id, megabytes_min, megabytes_median, megabytes_max, megabytes_length)]
                   learner_id        task_id megabytes_min megabytes_median megabytes_max megabytes_length
                       <char>         <char>         <num>            <num>         <num>            <int>
 1:         classif.cv_glmnet    behavior.15        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 2:         classif.cv_glmnet comorbidity.30        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 3:         classif.cv_glmnet     culture.14        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 4:       classif.featureless comorbidity.30        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 5:       classif.featureless  healthcare.88        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 6:             classif.rpart       birth.24        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 7:             classif.rpart comorbidity.30        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 8:             classif.rpart     culture.14        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
 9:             classif.rpart  healthcare.88        0.0000           0.0000        0.0000               60
10:       classif.featureless     culture.14        0.0000           0.0000      184.3555               60
11:       classif.featureless       birth.24        0.0000           0.0000      185.0703               60
12:             classif.rpart    behavior.15        0.0000           0.0000      195.0234               60
13:       classif.featureless    behavior.15        0.0000           0.0000      196.5000               60
14:         classif.cv_glmnet       birth.24        0.0000           0.0000      419.1250               60
15:           classif.xgboost     culture.14      410.0664         425.7168      516.3867               60
16:           classif.xgboost       birth.24      411.4688         446.2695      518.8477               60
17:           classif.xgboost    behavior.15      413.1992         431.9512      519.3633               60
18:           classif.xgboost comorbidity.30      411.9727         451.4375      520.8359               60
19: classif.nearest_neighbors     culture.14      405.4688         465.7988      531.1367               60
20: classif.nearest_neighbors    behavior.15      401.6992         462.6016      552.0781               60
21: classif.nearest_neighbors       birth.24      409.3086         472.2266      588.5117               60
22: classif.nearest_neighbors comorbidity.30      435.0664         480.6035      594.1562               60
23:         classif.cv_glmnet  healthcare.88        0.0000         453.3457      606.5117               60
24:           classif.xgboost  healthcare.88      519.7617         614.1836      747.3711               60
25: classif.nearest_neighbors  healthcare.88      536.2422         613.3730      843.5859               60
26:            classif.ranger  healthcare.88     1192.5625        1192.5625     1192.5625                1
27:            classif.ranger comorbidity.30     1201.4414        1347.5469     1944.3164               30
28:            classif.ranger     culture.14      898.6367        1336.7637     1966.7070               60
29:            classif.ranger    behavior.15     1003.0703        1372.0977     2167.9062               60
30:            classif.ranger       birth.24     1244.2656        1758.0156     2780.9922               43
                   learner_id        task_id megabytes_min megabytes_median megabytes_max megabytes_length
> usage.wide[order(hours_max), .(learner_id, task_id, hours_min, hours_median, hours_max, hours_length)]
                   learner_id        task_id    hours_min hours_median    hours_max hours_length
                       <char>         <char>        <num>        <num>        <num>        <int>
 1:       classif.featureless     culture.14 0.0005555556 0.0008333333  0.001111111           60
 2:             classif.rpart     culture.14 0.0005555556 0.0008333333  0.001111111           60
 3:       classif.featureless    behavior.15 0.0005555556 0.0011111111  0.001388889           60
 4:       classif.featureless       birth.24 0.0005555556 0.0008333333  0.001388889           60
 5:             classif.rpart comorbidity.30 0.0008333333 0.0008333333  0.001388889           60
 6:             classif.rpart    behavior.15 0.0008333333 0.0011111111  0.001666667           60
 7:             classif.rpart       birth.24 0.0005555556 0.0008333333  0.001666667           60
 8:       classif.featureless comorbidity.30 0.0005555556 0.0011111111  0.001944444           60
 9:       classif.featureless  healthcare.88 0.0005555556 0.0009722222  0.001944444           60
10:             classif.rpart  healthcare.88 0.0008333333 0.0011111111  0.002222222           60
11:         classif.cv_glmnet     culture.14 0.0011111111 0.0016666667  0.002500000           60
12:         classif.cv_glmnet    behavior.15 0.0019444444 0.0025000000  0.003333333           60
13:         classif.cv_glmnet       birth.24 0.0013888889 0.0019444444  0.004722222           60
14:         classif.cv_glmnet comorbidity.30 0.0016666667 0.0027777778  0.005000000           60
15:         classif.cv_glmnet  healthcare.88 0.0047222222 0.0094444444  0.020000000           60
16:           classif.xgboost     culture.14 0.0102777778 0.0166666667  0.027777778           60
17:           classif.xgboost    behavior.15 0.0169444444 0.0254166667  0.048888889           60
18:           classif.xgboost comorbidity.30 0.0252777778 0.0477777778  0.080833333           60
19: classif.nearest_neighbors    behavior.15 0.0138888889 0.0291666667  0.084722222           60
20:           classif.xgboost       birth.24 0.0241666667 0.0366666667  0.087222222           60
21: classif.nearest_neighbors     culture.14 0.0122222222 0.0268055556  0.096666667           60
22: classif.nearest_neighbors       birth.24 0.0150000000 0.0306944444  0.099444444           60
23: classif.nearest_neighbors comorbidity.30 0.0183333333 0.0398611111  0.170277778           60
24:           classif.xgboost  healthcare.88 0.0608333333 0.1200000000  0.213333333           60
25: classif.nearest_neighbors  healthcare.88 0.0566666667 0.1898611111  0.798888889           60
26:            classif.ranger  healthcare.88 5.3941666667 5.3941666667  5.394166667            1
27:            classif.ranger     culture.14 1.1869444444 2.5109722222  6.713055556           60
28:            classif.ranger    behavior.15 1.5277777778 3.2013888889  8.618611111           60
29:            classif.ranger comorbidity.30 3.6255555556 4.6951388889 10.774444444           30
30:            classif.ranger       birth.24 2.4188888889 5.0616666667 12.538888889           43
                   learner_id        task_id    hours_min hours_median    hours_max hours_length

Looks like ranger is by far the slowest and more memory intensive, so for now I will omit that.

Below we see that total time for CV experiment with 2700 iterations is 240 hours, so since we did this in a 4 hour time limit, this is about 60x speedup.

2700: 3.194722222  1810.023 classif.nearest_neighbors     all.364
> sum(usage.long$hours)
[1] 240.7103
> sum(usage.long$hours)/4
[1] 60.17757

22 Feb 2024

download-nsch-convert-do.R makes download-nsch-convert-do-2019-2020.csv

> out.dt[, table(survey_year, Autism)]
survey_year   Yes    No
       2019   859 28003
       2020  1255 40826

download-nsch-counts.R separated out from download-nsch.R

18 Dec 2023

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19Tm75T4wNN4yITlXuUMNVc22yzHmmzVcMY1GBVGsEnQ/edit#gid=0 is the source file for NSCH_categories.csv

download-nsch.R makes download-nsch-nrow-ncol.csv and download-nsch-column-counts.csv and NSCH_categories_NA_counts.csv after which I manually added different categories for the least missing columns, NSCH_categories_NA_counts_TDH.csv