
Direct labels for multicolor plots in lattice or ggplot2

Primary LanguageR

./logos/directlabels logo (orange).png

Build Status (Travis) Code Coverage (Codecov)

Installation from CRAN


Install development version from GitHub

Development of directlabels on R-Forge stopped on 16 June 2015. Please install the development version from GitHub instead:


Changes are listed in NEWS.

Usage examples

Please check the documentation page (with links to examples for specific methods) and the page with several advanced examples.

Development and documentation

Documentation in R/*.R files is used to make man/*.Rd files using inlinedocs:


The directlabels documentation examples site can be generated via the gh-pages branch by using:


Be careful about what you put in each of the R code files – they are used to generate the documentation. For example, R/dotplot.R defines just two R objects: angled.endpoints and top.qp. Don’t add anything to this file unless you want it to show up in the docs as another Positioning Method for dotplots. Miscellaneous functions that could be helpful for constructing Positioning Methods should be put in R/utility.function.R.