
Fuzzy search text / notes in the terminal, for any collection of text files

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License

Image Alt Text >

Fuzzy search text / notes in the terminal. Blazingly fast, incremental searching and editing using fzf, ripgrep and vim. Used daily for 5+ years.

Why use Fuz?

  • Point to a directory of text files
  • Fuz instantly and interactively returns search matches (see above)
  • Supports markdown and code highlighting
  • File contents are memory mapped for faster results
  • Cleverly ignores large binary files and hidden directories
  • Works well with Obsidian / Roam like note-taking apps, searching your git repo and code snippets

Installation and usage

# 0. Install requirements (see below)

# 1. Download and install Fuz
git clone https://github.com/Magnushhoie/fuz/
cd fuz && chmod +x fuz

# 2. Run setup to set a default search directory
./fuz --setup

# 3. Interactively search default directory or path with fuz
fuz --path .

Requirements (pick one option)

# A) MacOS: First install brew (https://brew.sh/) then run
brew install fzf rg bat

# B) Any system: Use conda https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/install/
conda install -c conda-forge fzf ripgrep bat 

# C) Linux/Ubuntu (requires sudo):
sudo apt-get install fzf ripgrep
sudo apt install bat
# Batcat should be aliased to bat to work with fuz
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s /usr/bin/batcat ~/.local/bin/bat


  fuz [options] <FILENAME and/or SEARCH-TERMS>

Fuz interactively fuzzy searches a directory and
opens selected files at search result.

Use --edit to list files and edit in vim,
or --open for system default app

Project homepage: https://github.com/Magnushhoie/fuz

- Search text from default path

- Search specific path
    fuz --path DIRECTORY

- Search filenames to edit with vim:
    fuz --edit

- Open matches with system default text editor
    fuz --open

  CTRL+O             Open in vim
  CTRL+L             View with less
  CTRL+J             MOVE down
  CTRL+K             MOVE up

# add to .bashrc/.zshrc (currently supports neovim, macvim or vim):
export FUZ_EDITOR=nvim

  --setup            Set fuz default search directory in .zsh/.bashrc
  -p, --path         Directory to search
  -o, --open         Open search directory or file with system default application
  -e, --edit         Open file with vim editor (instead of 'less'), enables --names option
  -n, --names        Only show filenames
  -c, --create       Create new file in search directory: --create <FILENAME>
  -d, --max-depth    Max search depth (5)
  -m, --max-lines    Max lines read per file (50000)
  -s, --max-size     Max file-size to search (1M)
  -f, --fuzzy-search Enable fuzzy instead of exact search
  --sorttime         Sort chronologically, files by date modified, preserve line order (single threaded, slow)
  --vimsearch        Search lines and open in vim
  --dir              Print and open search directory
  -h, --help         Print this help and exit

Search your Apple Notes (MacOSX)

# Exports Apple Notes to text in ~/_macosx_notes
osascript -l JavaScript macosx_notes2txt.AppleScript

# Setup alias to point to the directory in .bashrc/.zshrc
# Then use 'nfz' to fuz the ~/_macosx_notes directory
echo 'alias nfz="fuz -p ~/_macosx_notes"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'alias nfze="fuz -e -p ~/_macosx_notes"' >> ~/.zshrc


Compatible with bash 3.2+ and zsh 5.9+. Tested on Ubuntu 21.04 and MacOS Monterey/Mojave/Big Sur.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
