
Auto-results is a set of tools for the Shmmywiki platform to automate results table generation in the wiki.

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Shmmywiki Auto-results

Table of contents


Auto-results is a set of tools developed for the Shmmywiki platform. The desired functionality is to:

  • Extract course exam dates from the schedule PDF file provided by the ECE School website
  • Fetch shmmy forum posts where course exam results are announced by users
  • Use keyword matching on each post's content to find the corresponding course
  • Generate wiki code for results table with exam and announcement dates, difference in days between them and URL of announcement post as columns
  • Post generated table to wiki using a pywikibot


The project is still experimental with many core features missing or poorly implemented, such as:

  • A better keyword matching algorithm, switching from a greedy to a more clever approach (e.g. keyword trees).
  • Different course groups may have same exam dates but usually have different results dates. In this case, consider them as separate courses and implement keyword matching for each group.


Pywikibot is used to automate the editing of Shmmywiki pages. Installation steps:

  • Download pywikibot by visiting the above link and decompress it to some /path/to/folder.
  • Add that folder to your PYTHONPATH (e.g. add the line export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/folder to ~/.bashrc).
  • cd /path/to/folder.
  • Run python pwb.py generate_family_file and type the URL to the home page of your wiki in the prompt.
  • Run python pwb.py generate_user_files and type the credentials to an account of that wiki in the prompt.
  • Copy the generated user-config.py to the root folder of this repository.

Project structure

The project is organized as follows:

  • root folder:
    • main.py: Entry point. Usage: python main.py [config id] [action,...]. Config id is documented below in config.json. Actions are separated by comma without any space between them and may be any of the following:
      • search: Search for courses that match a query.
      • build_keywords: Navigate through the keyword database and add/edit/remove keywords.
      • courses_update: Parse the db/courses.csv file and include new courses in database.
      • schedule: Parse the schedule file of the selected configuration and update exam dates.
      • print_schedule: Print each course along with its exam date for the selected configuration.
      • results: Fetch posts from shmmy forum and update exam results dates.
      • print_results: Print each course along with its results date for the selected configuration.
      • wiki: Get exam and result dates from database and post them in wiki format to shmmywiki.
      • export_wiki: Get exam and result dates from database and save them in wiki format to outputs/:id/export_wiki.txt without posting them.
      • If no action argument is given, results,wiki is assumed.
    • config.json: Contains configuration parameters for all the exam periods that are managed by the application. Each configuration entry has an ID (config id) given by its key and a configuration dictionary. The dictionary needs to have the following keys:
      • folder: The folder in outputs/ in which the outputs will be stored.
      • schedule_file: The pathname in schedule/ folder for the schedule PDF file of this configuration.
      • wiki_title: The title of the shmmywiki article in which the results will be posted.
      • forum_thread: The thread to which the results for this exam period are posted by the users.
    • config.py: Module for accessing the configuration parameters of an exam period from config.json.
    • utils.py: Contains helper text functions for the keyword matching algorithm and for the extraction of exam results dates from forum posts.
  • db/
    • keywords.py
      • get(): Returns the keyword dictionary parsed from keywords.json, which matches each keyword with a list of course IDs.
      • print(): Prints the keyword dictionary with pprint.
      • write(j): Exports the updated keyword dictionary to keywords.json.
      • match(text): Parse text and find the matching courses.
    • courses.py
      • get(): Returns the course dictionary parsed from courses.csv.
      • print(): Prints the course dictionary with pprint.
      • update(): Reads courses.csv and updates keywords.json to include any newly added courses. Each course has at least its title as a keyword in keywords.json.
    • search_with_keyword.py: Command-line module to search for courses that match a query.
    • build_keywords.py: Command-line module to navigate through keywords and perform add/edit/remove operations on them.
    • keywords.json: Contains the aforementioned keyword dictionary in JSON format.
    • courses.csv: A CSV that contains all course data. The columns of the CSV are [id, title, semester, flow, wiki title] in order.
  • results/
    • results.py
      • get(): Returns result dates and URLs for the courses in outputs/:id/results.json, possibly overwritten by outputs/:id/results.manual.json.
      • write(j): Writes a result dates and URLs dictionary to outputs/:id/results.json.
      • fetch(): Fetches result dates and URLs from forum posts and exports them to outputs/:id/results.json. Keeps the ID of last accessed post to calculate how many new entries there have been.
      • getLast(): Gets the ID of the most recently accessed shmmy forum post.
  • schedule/
    • schedule.py
      • get(): Returns course exam dates for the courses in the schedule file, possibly overwritten by outputs/:id/dates.manual.json.
      • write(j): Writes a course exam dates dictionary to outputs/:id/dates.json.
      • parse(): Parses schedule PDF file and exports course exam dates to outputs/:id/dates.json.
    • PDF schedule files are also stored here.
  • wiki/
    • wiki.py
      • get(): Returns the exported wiki code of the results from outputs/:id/export_wiki.txt.
      • export(): Combines dates.json and results.json data to generate wiki code for results table and stores it in outputs/:id/export_wiki.txt.
      • save(): Logs in to Shmmywiki as ShmmywikiBot user and posts the generated table to the page of the selected exam period.
  • outputs/: All the script outputs are stored here. Each exam period has its own directory named after its configuration ID. Each directory contains the following files:
    • dates.json: JSON that maps course IDs to exam dates. It is generated by schedule/schedule.py.
    • dates.manual.json: User generated JSON file that can be used to overwrite the course dates, in case of any wrong output.
    • results.json: JSON that maps course IDs to result dates and result URLs. It is generated by results/results.py.
    • results.manual.json: User generated JSON file that can be used to overwrite the result dates, in case of any wrong output.
    • results.ignore.json: User generated JSON array that can be used to ignore all shmmy forum posts whose ID is in the array.
    • export_wiki.txt: Wiki code for the results table. It is generated by wiki/wiki.py.
    • last_result_id.txt: The ID of the last announcement forum post is stored here, so that results/results.py can know whether new course results have been announced.
    • pdf_texts.txt: Debug file generated by schedule/schedule.py that contains all textboxes parsed from the PDF along with their coordinates and any possible course title matches.
    • pdf_svg.html: Debug SVG file that models how schedule/schedule.py views the schedule tables as a grid.


To add a new exam period:

  1. Include target schedule PDF in the schedule/ folder.
  2. Add a configuration entry in config.json with a unique key as the config id and the fields of folder, schedule_file, wiki_title, forum_thread as described above.

Now you can schedule python main.py [config id] to run periodically, so that new posts will be automatically fetched and the wiki page will be updated.