New Social Media based on Announcement with Democracy and Anonymity powered by Open Source :)
Design Revision:
- Replace Mongo to Neo4j (Much fit our technical problem)
- Create Vote project.
- Update to Spring Boot 3.
- Migrate to Local communication to gRPC.
- Install a swagger supported multi service. (I created and serve in github public repo :) )
- Deploy modules to test env (write helms)
- Changed to Dockerfile system to native image.
- Write Tests With test Containers.
- Check Cache ttls.
- Check comment TODOs.
- Job Create For update Region Change.
- Write the Logs.
- Connect to Kafka For votes queue for announce life cycle.
- Update the traefik custom plugin. we have some missing parts.
- Write Design Decision Document.
- Update to Readme Image.
- Write why do i doing this project. Motivation and purpose. (in Readme)
- Use Elastic Search To seaching announce texts. Actually we have Elastic Search for logging. We can use also for this dev.
- We can use Minio Helm Chart for blobStorage. (Note: 50 GB Volume Claim enough for test)
- When we start to develop BlobStorage things we need an Image CDN and a Video CDN. Maybe we will not serve first Video CDN because much more challenging.
- Image CDN can develop with Java on GraalVM or GoLang. We can use WebP Cli program from Google Documents.
Long Term TODOs:
- Load Test
- Autoscaling pods and autoscale nodes.