Microsoft Azure IoT demo with STMicroelectronics B-L4S5I-IOTOA1 board and e-Ink display

Primary LanguageC

Microsoft Azure IoT demo with STMicroelectronics B-L4S5I-IOTOA1 board and e-Ink display

This demo has been derived from Microsoft Azure RTOS example available here and extended to support e-Ink display.
Please refer to the original source code location for prerequisites, environment setup, build and deployment instructions.

  1. This repo uses submodules, to clone execute:
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/tdjastrzebski/B-L4S5I-IOT01A_AZURE-RTOS
  2. Copy /app/azure_config-template.h to /app/azure_config.h, provide settings like WiFi password, IoT hostname etc.

What you need

Visual Studio 2022 complete environment setup

From PowerShell run:

  • git clone --recursive https://github.com/tdjastrzebski/B-L4S5I-IOT01A_AZURE-RTOS
  • cd .\B-L4S5I-IOT01A_AZURE-RTOS
  • iex (iwr -useb https://aka.ms/vcpkg-init.ps1)
  • vcpkg activate
  • Start-Process devenv .

More info: Embedded Software Development in Visual Studio by Marc Goodner

Note: Visual Studio Preview version is no longer required.


2.66" Waveshare eInk Display

LVGL TTF Font Converter

Free TTF fonts

e-Ink wiring diagram

Note: e-Ink display is optional

display wiring diagram