
C/C++ Multi-Step Incremental Build Tool

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is it?

cppbuild is a multi-step incremental build command line tool based on JSON, string templates and glob syntax.
cppbuild has originally been designed to work together with the popular vscode-cpptools extension and uses its variables combined with its own build steps.
Since version 1.2.0 cppbuild can be used without vscode-cpptools and is not limited to C/C++ builds.


While working on C/C++ for embedded devices in VS Code I wanted to simplify multi-step build process configuration and maintenance. Also, I wanted to eliminate duplication of the settings (include paths and defines) between c_cpp_properties.json and widely used MAKE/CMake files. Although these tools are industry standard, I am not a big fan of them. All that led me to the development of a completely new build tool.
Since ms-vscode.cpptools extension is popular and widely used, I adjusted to the status quo and used c_cpp_properties.json as it was, instead of supplying my own settings via vscode-cpptools-api.
Initially cppbuild had to use vscode-cpptools c_cpp_properties.json file. This dependency has been eliminated since version 1.1.0 and now cppbuild can be used to run any other builds.

What does it do?

The way cppbuild works is very simple. The tool executes build steps, by default defined in c_cpp_build.json file. Each build step defines command to be executed. command is actually a string template where both single and multi-value ($$) variables like ${fileName}, ${outputDirectory} or $${defines} can be used. If filePattern is specified as well the command will be executed for every file matching the pattern. In addition, a build step can define one or more build types like debug or release. Build types simply define additional variables, typically compiler options, to be added or changed.

When cppbuild is used with vscode-cpptools, includePath, defines and forcedInclude multi-value variables defined in c_cpp_properties.json config file can be used in build step command. For this to happen, the corresponding configurations, which have the same name, must be present in both c_cpp_build.json and c_cpp_properties.json files.

Additional variables may be supplied on all levels and as command line arguments.

How to use it?

Install: npm install cppbuild -g

  • From VS Code folder run: cppbuild <config name> [build type] -w [workspace root]
    cppbuild will use c_cpp_build.json and c_cpp_properties.json files from .vscode folder in current or specified workspace root.

  • Otherwise run: cppbuild <config name> [build type] [-b <JSON build file>]
    By default, cppbuild will use c_cpp_build.json file from local folder or any other file specified.

The only required argument is config name - one of the configurations defined in build file. Build type name can be supplied optionally.

For more options run: cppbuild --help

Configuration file syntax

c_cpp_build.json file defines multiple configurations, build types and build steps.
See the content of the c_cpp_build.json file for a sample build configuration.

Sample build type:

  "name": "debug",
  "params": { "buildTypeParams": "-O0 -g" }

Sample build step:

  "name": "C++ Compile",
  "filePattern": "**/*.cpp",
  "outputFile": "build/${buildTypeName}/${fileDirectory}/${fileName}.o",
  "command": "g++ -c ${buildTypeParams} (-I[$${includePath}]) (-D$${defines}) [${filePath}] -o [${outputFile}]"

Run: cppbuild gcc gcc-x64 --initialize c_cpp_build.json to create sample build file with typical gcc settings. Other supported settings: msvc and clang

Here is how it works:

  1. command (here g++ compiler) is run for every file matching filePattern (**/*.cpp).
  2. (-I[$${includePath}]) and (-D$${defines}) define sub-templates repeated for every includePath and defines value listed in corresponding configuration from c_cpp_properties.json file.
  3. ${fileName}, ${filePath} and ${fileDirectory} are substituted by the name, path and relative directory of the file being processed.
  4. ${outputFile} value is built as defined by outputFile template. Note that outputFile can be build using relative path of the file being processed. As a result, inside the output build folder directory structure will resemble the input directory structure. Required directory will be created if it does not exists.
  5. ${buildTypeParams} is defined in build type section. For DEBUG build type -O0 -g switches will be added.
  6. Strings in [] are treated as file paths and will be quoted if path contains whitespace. Path separators may be modified depending on the OS.
  7. Be default, if outputFile already exists and is more recent than the processed input file, build for this file will not be performed. As a result, only modified files will be built (incremental build).


  1. filePattern/fileList build step properties use glob syntax. Tool internally relies on glob module so more advanced file patterns and exclusions are supported.
  2. filePattern/fileList are mutually exclusive. If filePattern is used, command will be executed for every file matching the pattern.
    In contrast, fileList only populates $${fileDirectory}, $${filePath} and $${fileName} multi-valued variables.
  3. Standard ${name} variable syntax is used for single-valued variables. $${name} denotes multi-valued variable.
  4. Strings in () (e.g. (-D$${defines})) are sub-templates repeated for every variable value inside. Therefore, only one multi-valued variable inside () is allowed. If sub-template contains path or file name which may require quoting, [] can be used instead, e.g. [$${fileName}.cpp].
  5. Environment values (${env:name}) and standard variables workspaceRoot/workspaceFolder and workspaceRootFolderName/workspaceFolderBasename can be used.
  6. filePattern and outputDirectory are not required. Command without filePattern will be executed just once.
  7. build types do not have to be defined - they are optional and they can define multiple additional variables. If specified, buildTypeName variable is added.
  8. If outputDirectory or outputFile are specified, the required directory will be created if it does not exist.
  9. includePath and forcedInclude multi-value variables defined in c_cpp_properties.json can contain glob patterns. Paths will be expanded.
  10. Variables can be defined globally, on configuration, task and build type level. Low level variables override higher levels variables. Command line provided variables have the highest priority.
  11. Variable values can contain other variables and templates. For that reason special characters like \${}[]() in simple literals (e.g. file paths) must be escaped using \, e.g. "C:\\Program Files \\(x86\\)".
  12. Order in which variables are defined does not matter. Variables defined first can be used later, variables defined in higher level can be included on lower level, e.g. "paths": ["$${paths}", "c:\additional_path"].
  13. Multi-value variables can contain variable name, glob expression or comma-separated list of quoted values or templates, e.g. [$${paths}], [$${**/*.c}], [$${'main.h', 'main.c'}], [$${'**/*.h', '**/*.c'}].
  14. JSON file can contain comments - internally MS JSONC parser is used.
  15. cppbuild can be run without c_cpp_properties.json file. Use -p flag with no file name.
  16. It is possible to provide root folder, alternative configuration file paths and names using command line options.
  17. Run: cppbuild --help for all supported options.

Predefined variables

The following variables have been predefined:

  1. workspaceRoot/workspaceFolder (full folder path) and workspaceRootFolderName/workspaceFolderBasename (just the folder name)
  2. configName - selected build configuration name
  3. buildTypeName - selected build type name (optional)
  4. filePath (relative file path), fileDirectory (relative file directory), fileName (file name without extension), fullFileName (file name with extension), fileExtension (without '.')
    The above variables are available when filePattern or fileList build step property is defined. When filePattern is defined, variables have single values and command is executed for every file matching the specified pattern. When fileList is defined, variables have multiple values but build step command is executed just once.
  5. outputDirectory - output directory, available when build step outputDirectory template is specified. Path will be created if it does not exist.
  6. includePath, defines and forcedInclude - multi-valued variables populated from c_cpp_properties.json (if used)
  7. outputFile - available only when filePattern is specified, triggers incremental build.

Release notes

  • 1.0 Initial release
  • 1.1 params can be added on all levels, tool can work without C/C++ extension and c_cpp_properties.json file.
  • 1.2 Added support for incremental builds and outputFile build step property and variable.
  • 1.2.8 Output information improved
  • 1.3.0
    • Much better structured and more capable recursive parser.
    • Multi-value variables can be glob expressions, lists or lists of glob expressions. Example: [$${'**/*.h', '**/*.c'}]
      Another example: (-include [$${${fileDirectory}/include/*.h}]). This sub-template includes all the header files from the given file include sub-folder.
    • Variables can contain templates and reference previously defined variables of the same name. This way values defined previously can be merged with new values.
    • Escape character \ support. Special characters like []{}() defining sub-templates have to be escaped if used for other purpose, e.g. in file paths. This change is breaking.
    • -t option and trimIncludePaths build step property added. When set to true, static analysis is performed and only required include paths are used. This option can greatly reduce command length, helping to avoid Windows 8192 characters command length limit.
    • -d option added for debug output.
    • -i option added for creating sample build configuration.
    • -c option added to continue on errors.
  • 1.3.11 Bug fixes
  • 1.3.12 TSLint -> ESLint
  • 1.3.14 commented out #define directives are correctly ignored, packages updated
  • 1.3.15 c_cpp_properties schema updated, minor fixes
  • 1.3.16 c_cpp_properties schema updated again, serious parser bug fix, packages updated, first attempt at full dependency analysis (and rebuild)
  • 1.3.17 lodash updated to ver 4.17.20 to eliminate its known vulnerabilities
  • 1.3.19 warning color change, numerous packages updated, c_cpp_properties.schema updated

Further improvements

I am certain this tool could be further improved in many ways, including both functionality and code structure. This is the second TypeScript program I have ever written (the first one was "hello world" app).
For example, multi-valued variables currently cannot be specified from command line.

Please do not hesitate to suggest fixes and improvements. Pull requests are more than welcome.

Finally, if you find this tool useful, please give it a star. This way others will be able to find it more easily.


  • fix unhandled error if a file in "forcedInclude" does not exist
  • fix missing includes when actual file name casing does not match the one specified in #include
  • use already implemented full dependency analysis and rebuild all the dependent file branch
  • test dependency on defines in c_cpp_properties.json
  • replace depreciated typescript methods
  • update components to last major versions
  • allow filePattern to accept array
  • make trimIncludePaths default true
  • add excludeFiles param, also accepting array