Specify an ENV configuration as a task, e.g.
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['env:dev', 'lint', 'server', 'watch']);
grunt.registerTask('build', ['env:build', 'lint', 'other:build:tasks']);
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-env
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
env : {
options : {
//Shared Options Hash
dev : {
NODE_ENV : 'development',
DEST : 'temp'
build : {
NODE_ENV : 'production',
DEST : 'dist',
concat : {
PATH : {
'value': 'node_modules/.bin',
'delimiter': ':'
functions: {
BY_FUNCTION: function() {
var value = '123';
grunt.log.writeln('setting BY_FUNCTION to ' + value);
return value;
You can specify environment values in INI or JSON style and load them via the src option.
env : {
dev : {
src : "dev.json"
heroku : {
src : ".env"
You can specify files to read environment variables from, similar to the daemontools envdir utility.
env : {
dev : {
src : ["envdir/*"],
options: {
envdir: true
The following directives can be specified in the options
to alter the environment in more specific ways
- This will add the variables only if they don't already exist
- Will replace the variable with the value specified
- Will prepend the value to the variable specified, optionally specifying a 'delimiter'
- Same as unshift, but at the end of the value.
- Functionally same as
, added for readability
- Functionally same as
yourtask : {
USER : 'you',
PATH : '/bin:/usr/bin'
options : {
add : {
VERBOSE : '1' // will only be added if VERBOSE isn't already set
replace : {
USER : 'me'
push : {
PATH : {
value : '~/bin',
delimiter : ':'
unshift : {
PATH : '/sbin:'
Environment variables are strings only. If you attempt to assign complex objects, they will be converted to strings.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
- 0.4.0 Removed automatic parse, added ability to add ini or json style
files - 0.3.0 Automatically parses .env files now
- 0.2.1 fixed npm install
- 0.2.0 grunt 0.4.0 support, simplified
- 0.1.0 Initial release
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Jarrod Overson