tdjordan's Following
- carllerche@aws
- ChristianLempaCL Creative
- darinpope@cloudbees
- eddyekofo94Fortil
- fatih@planetscale
- gitops-bridge-dev
- igorshubovychPAR Retail
- iguykingWisconsin, USA
- isaaguilarAtlanta, GA
- jpmcb@open-sauced
- justincormack@docker
- kcl-langChina
- kiltyj
- ktind
- loft-shYour Kubernetes Cluster
- lprashanth@gehc
- nix-community
- NixOSEverywhere
- open-gitops
- open-telemetry
- psprintPoland
- rnpenguin
- rothgar@SideroLabs
- sainnheTencent
- sixeyedLondon
- souleb@fluxcd
- stefanprodan@controlplaneio
- stuartblairPeachwillow Labs LLC
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- tidepool-org100% Remote and Globally Distributed
- timurbAxenix
- tjdevries
- UltimateGeek
- vfarcicUpbound
- wasmCloud
- whyrusleepingMana