
A node.js REST backend for villa bookings

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gnasher API

Gnasher API is a comprehensive backend system designed for villa booking and B&B bookings processes. It is built on Node.js and interacts with a MySQL database, providing a JSON API for various operations. The system is primarily focused on user management, project tracking, and integration with external data sources like Google Sheets.


  • Booking Management: Create, read, update, and delete bookings information. Includes ability for maintenance and owner bookings
  • Calendar Management: Manages the calendar of villas to profile a single point of calendaring
  • Data Import: Import data from Google Sheets into the Snowy database, facilitating seamless integration of external data sources.
  • Authentication: Secure routes with JWT-based authentication middleware.
  • Error Handling: Centralized error handling for consistent API responses.
  • API Documentation: Interactive API documentation using Swagger.


  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building the server-side application.
  • Express: Web framework for Node.js, used for routing and middleware.
  • Sequelize: Promise-based ORM for Node.js, used for database operations.
  • MySQL: Database system used for data storage.
  • Swagger: API documentation and exploration tool.
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Used for secure authentication.
  • Bcryptjs: Library for hashing and comparing passwords.
  • Nodemailer: (Not visible installed yet) for sending emails, like password reset emails.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install.
  3. Set up your MySQL database and update the ./config/config.json file with your database credentials.
  4. Run the server: npm start.
  5. Access the API at: http://localhost:3000/.
  6. Explore the API documentation at: http://localhost:3000/api-docs.

Directory Structure

  • ./models: Sequelize models for database tables.
  • ./routes: Express routes for handling API requests.
  • ./controllers: Controllers to handle the logic for each route.
  • ./middleware: Custom Express middleware, including authentication and error handling.
  • ./utils: Utility functions, including helpers for hashing passwords and managing import events.
  • ./import-scripts-app-script: Google Apps Script files for importing data.
  • ./docs: Swagger API documentation.
  • ./config: Configuration files, including database and Swagger setup.

API Endpoints

  • User Routes: /users for managing users.
  • Project Routes: /projects for managing projects.
  • Authentication Routes: /auth for user authentication.

Future Enhancements

  • Expand testing suite for robustness.
  • Implement rate limiting and additional security checks.
  • Explore integration with additional external services.


Contributions to the Gnasher API are welcome. Please follow the standard fork-and-pull request workflow.


This project is all rights reserved.