
Rastapopoulos is a React-based CRUD application for managing solar PV install information. It provides a dynamic table interface using Mantine React Table and integrates with the Snowy API for data management.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Rastapopoulos is a React-based CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for managing solar PV install information. It provides a dynamic table interface using Mantine React Table and integrates with the Snowy API for data management.

Project Overview

Rastapopoulos showcases a modular and scalable structure, utilizing various libraries for UI components, state management, and testing. The application allows users to view, create, update, and delete solar PV install information through an intuitive table interface.

Key Dependencies

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Next.js: A React framework for server-rendered applications.
  • Mantine: A suite of React components and hooks for building user interfaces.
  • Mantine React Table: A powerful and customizable table component for React.
  • React Query: A library for managing and synchronizing server state in React applications.
  • TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • Jest and Testing Library: Tools for writing and running tests for React components.

Project Structure

The project follows a modular and scalable structure, with the following main directories and files:

  • app/: Contains the Next.js app structure.
  • elevations/: Contains the Elevations page and related components. - ElevationTableWrapper.tsx: A client component that wraps the ElevationTable and handles data fetching and mutations. - page.tsx: The server component that renders the Elevations page.
  • layout.tsx: Defines the root layout for the application.
  • page.tsx: The main page of the application.
  • QueryProvider.tsx: Provides the React Query client to the application.
  • components/: Contains reusable UI components for the application.
  • ColorSchemeToggle/: Allows toggling between light and dark color schemes.
  • ElevationDetails/: Displays detailed information about a selected elevation.
  • ElevationTable/: Renders the table for managing elevations.
  • Welcome/: Displays a welcome message on the main page.
  • hooks/: Contains custom React hooks.
  • useElevations.ts: A custom hook for managing elevations data using React Query.
  • services/: Contains API service functions for interacting with the Snowy API.
  • elevationsService.ts: Provides functions for fetching, creating, updating, and deleting elevations.
  • types/: Contains TypeScript type definitions for the application's data models.
  • elevation.ts: Defines the Elevation interface.
  • utils/: Contains utility functions and modules.
  • api.ts: Defines the API request function and API service functions for interacting with the Snowy API.
  • theme.ts: Defines the Mantine theme configuration for the application.
  • next.config.mjs: Configuration file for Next.js.
  • postcss.config.cjs: Configuration file for PostCSS.
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file.
  • jest.config.cjs and jest.setup.cjs: Configuration files for Jest testing framework.

Application Flow

  1. The user navigates to the Elevations page (app/elevations/page.tsx).
  2. The ElevationTableWrapper component (app/elevations/ElevationTableWrapper.tsx) fetches the elevations data from the Snowy API using the useQuery hook from React Query.
  3. The ElevationTable component (components/ElevationTable/ElevationTable.tsx) renders the table with the fetched elevations data.
  4. The user can perform CRUD operations on the elevations:
  • Create: The user can click the "Create New Elevation" button to open a modal and fill in the details for a new elevation. The createMutation from ElevationTableWrapper sends a POST request to the Snowy API to create the new elevation.
  • Read: The user can view the elevations in the table and click on a row to see more details in the ElevationDetails component (components/ElevationDetails/ElevationDetails.tsx).
  • Update: The user can click the edit icon on a row to open a modal and update the elevation details. The updateMutation from ElevationTableWrapper sends a PUT request to the Snowy API to update the elevation.
  • Delete: The user can click the delete icon on a row to delete an elevation. The deleteMutation from ElevationTableWrapper sends a DELETE request to the Snowy API to delete the elevation.
  1. The useElevations hook (hooks/useElevations.ts) provides the necessary data fetching and mutation functions for managing elevations data using React Query.
  2. The elevationsService (services/elevationsService.ts) acts as an intermediary between the application and the Snowy API, providing functions for fetching, creating, updating, and deleting elevations.
  3. The api utility module (utils/api.ts) handles the API requests and error handling, making use of the Mantine notifications system to display error messages.

Running the Project

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Start the development server: npm run dev
  3. Open the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000


The project includes a testing setup using Jest and Testing Library. To run the tests, use the following command: