
The explorer backend for Alephium protocol

Primary LanguageScalaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Alephium explorer backend


1. Install the dependencies

You need to have Postgresql and sbt installed in your system.

2. Create the database

  1. Start the postgresql service.
  2. Login to the PostgreSQL shell with the default postgres user:
    psql postgres # or `psql -U postgres` depending on your OS
  3. Ensure that the postgres role exists, and if not, create it. List all roles:
    postgres=# \du
    Create postgres role:
    postgres=# CREATE ROLE postgres WITH LOGIN;
  4. Then, create the database:
    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE explorer;

3. Start the server

sbt app/run

4. Single Jar

sbt app/assembly

The resulting assembly file will appear in app/target/scala-2.13/ directory.

5. Restore archived database

Syncing all data from scratch can take a while, you can choose to start from a snapshot instead. Snapshots are available at https://archives.alephium.org/ Download the explore-db dump you want and simply run:

psql database_name < dump_file

Please note that database_name must have been created before, see point 2 on how to do it.

Querying hashes

Hash strings are stored as bytea. To query a hash string in SQL use the Postgres function decode which converts it to bytea.

select *
from "utransactions"
where "hash" = decode('f25f43b7fb13b1ec5f1a2d3acd1bebb9d27143cdc4586725162b9d88301b9bd7', 'hex');


1. Create benchmark database

The benchmark database (set via dbName) should exist:


2. Set benchmark duration

Update the time value in the following annotation in DBBenchmark to set the benchmark run duration:

@Measurement(iterations = 1, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES)

3. Executing benchmarks

Execute the following sbt commands to run JMH benchmarks

sbt benchmark/jmh:run


The tests are using the Postgresql database and the default postgres table.

sbt test


To generate scala-doc run: sbt unidoc

Referencing external libraries in scala-docs

To reference external libraries in scala-docs make sure the library is recognised by adding an apiMapping.

See scalaDocsAPIMapping in build.sbt file as a reference for creating this apiMapping for an external library.

def myLibraryAPIMapping(classPath: Classpath, scalaVersion: String): (sbt.File, sbt.URL) =
  ??? //follow `scalaDocsAPIMapping` in build.sbt

//add the apiMapping to the project that depends on `myLibrary`
apiMappings ++=
      classPath = (Compile / fullClasspath).value,
      scalaVersion = scalaVersion.value

Node Customization

The steps below are for developers who want to reference a full node on another computer, such as a Raspberry Pi, that is on the same subnet.

Explorer: /app/src/main/resources/application.conf

blockflow {
    host = "full-node-ip-address"
    port = 12973

    direct-clique-access = false
    direct-clique-access = ${?BLOCKFLOW_DIRECT_CLIQUE_ACCESS}

    network-id = 0
    network-id = ${?BLOCKFLOW_NETWORK_ID}
    groupNum = 4
    api-key = "full-node-api-key"

Full Node: user.conf

alephium.api.api-key = "full-node-api-key"
alephium.api.network-interface = ""

alephium.network.bind-address  = ""
alephium.network.internal-address  = "full-node-ip-address:9973"
alephium.network.coordinator-address  = "full-node-ip-address:9973"