
library for parsing CSV usage history files for Compass Card

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

True North

True North is an unofficial Python library for parsing CSV usage history files for Compass Card, Vancouver's transit fare card.


True North requires Python 3.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/tdryer/truenorth.git

Install the truenorth Python package:

cd truenorth
python setup.py install


Load a CSV file and print each time you tapped-in:

import truenorth
with open('my_compass_card_history.csv') as csv_file:
    for txn in truenorth.parse_csv_file(csv_file):
        if txn.transaction_type == truenorth.TransactionType.tap_in:

Do the same thing using the included command line tool:

truenorth my_compass_card_history.csv --transaction-type tap_in

Find the total amount spent on tap-ins, tap-outs, and transfers:

truenorth my_compass_card_history.csv --sum-amounts \
    --transaction-type tap_in \
    --transaction-type tap_out \
    --transaction-type transfer