Potluck Planner API

API Documentation:


[GET] /api/users - returns an array filled with user objects similar to the following:

        user_id: 1,
        username: "fred",
        password: "$2a$08$R//PP9zaFmo5t3RYL4Yh0ONj.68YU2UQ5HlXbt8TbD.WHFMweWCsG",
        name: "Fred",
        email: "fred@test.com"
        user_id: 2,
        username: "shaggy",
        password: "$2a$08$6TceWJyijzXrBAQlP.ZsW.o1y1MmmfJaCb3GPlJ.LnC3eYKtiWbzK",
        name: "Shaggy",
        email: "shaggy@test.com"


Method URL Description
[POST] /api/auth/register Requires a username, password, name, and email. Registers a new user.
[POST] /api/auth/login Requires a username and password. Logs the user in.


Method URL Description
[GET] /api/users/ Returns an array filled with user objects.
[GET] /api/users/:id Returns the user object with the specified user_id.
[DELETE] /api/users/:id Removes the user with the specified user_id and returns the deleted user.
[PUT] /api/users/:id Updates the user with the specified user_id using data from the request body. Returns the modified user


Method URL Description
[POST] /api/events/ Requires organizer_id, title, date (in the format of mm/dd/yyyy), time (in the format of 03:00), and a location. Returns the event object with the specified event_id.
[GET] /api/events/ Returns an array filled with event objects.
[GET] /api/events/:id Returns the event object with the specified event_id.
[DELETE] /api/events/:id Removes the event with the specified event_id and returns the deleted event.
[PUT] /api/events/:id Updates the event with the specified event_id using data from the request body. Returns the modified event


Method URL Description
[GET] /api/events/:id/guests Returns an array filled with guests attending the event.
[POST] /api/events/:id/guests Requires a user_id and a boolean of attending (true or false). Adds a guest to the event.
[DELETE] /api/events/:id/guests Requires user_id Removes the guest with the specified user_id and returns the new list of guests.


Method URL Description
[GET] /api/events/:id/items Returns an array filled with items for the event.
[POST] /api/events/:id/items Requires an item_name and a name (name of the person bringing the item) and adds the new item to the list of items
[DELETE] /api/events/:id/items Requires item_name Removes the item with the specified item_name and returns the new list of items.