- 1
Tea-lang Olympics example fails
#86 opened by parsa - 0
`ValueError: Data must be at least length 3` in `has_groups_normal_distribution`
#85 opened by AADeLucia - 0
[RFC] New Syntax Changes and Roadmap
#83 opened by shreyashnigam - 0
[RFC] Roadmap
#82 opened by emjun - 1
Tests fail in
#77 opened by ivanistheone - 0
Checking dataset for NaN/None/Empty
#78 opened by BHouwens - 0
- 0
Multiple dependent variables
#74 opened by emjun - 2
numeric type does not work in released version
#69 opened by domoritz - 0
- 0
Error "assert False, "test_statistic = 0 and it's not a one-sided test. Not sure under what conditions this is possible."
#71 opened by domoritz - 0
Power analysis
#67 opened by domoritz - 0
stale Pipfile on pypi?
#66 opened by emeryberger - 5
[Output] Update the output class ```` to provide a nice string representation.
#63 opened by MaLiN2223 - 2
- 0
tea examples running errors
#65 opened by lingruiluo - 0
[OOP API & Testing] Clean up ```` and ```` to include and test an OOP API.
#55 opened by emjun - 0
- 0
[Code style] Add style enforcement.
#56 opened by emjun - 1
- 4
Enforce style checks
#52 opened by MaLiN2223 - 0
[Documentation] Update examples with new API.
#57 opened by emjun - 8
[RFC] v1 Roadmap
#51 opened by emjun - 1
missing sympy dependancy
#54 opened by AaronWatters - 2
Use of globals
#8 opened by alexkyllo - 1
- 1
test_paired_t_test throws exception
#6 opened by alexkyllo - 1
- 5
Confusing Error Message with Ratio Variable Type
#32 opened by meli365 - 2
More Examples, Please!
#1 opened by Miserlou - 3
Null Hypothesis Not Rejected as Expected
#33 opened by meli365 - 2
- 2
- 4
Missing dependencies in python package
#15 opened by g-simmons2 - 2
How do I see the data I am working with?
#16 opened by g-simmons2 - 1
[Proposal] Versioning of the package
#50 opened by MaLiN2223 - 1
Add tests with synthetic datasets of various sizes
#12 opened by emjun - 0
Typo in Output for Positive Linear Relationship
#38 opened by meli365 - 1
Evaluate function fails for Equal, NotEqual, LessThan, LessThanEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual
#42 opened by MaLiN2223 - 4
Default Alpha Value Not Recognized
#39 opened by meli365 - 2
Testing frontend
#31 opened by MaLiN2223 - 0
Better error messages for incomplete/invalid spec
#27 opened by emjun - 2
Setting the right values in "variables", "assumptions", "experimental_design" and "hypothesis" in the python script based on the attached sample data.
#18 opened by chijiokeonukem - 0
Load data from DataFrame object
#19 opened by g-simmons2 - 2
Error on example publish on ACM UIST 2019
#24 opened by jrpereirajr - 2
Better type checking in ``
#20 opened by g-simmons2 - 0
- 1
- 0
compute_normal_distribution should behave differently depending on one-sample vs two-sample test
#9 opened by alexkyllo - 1
Project has no license
#7 opened by alexkyllo