Do you want >70% top-1 accuracy on a large video dataset? Are you tired of Kinetics videos disappearing from YouTube every day? Do you have recurring nightmares about Caffe2? Then this is the repo for you!
This is a PyTorch implementation of the Caffe2 I3D ResNet baseline from the video-nonlocal-net repo. The weights are directly ported from the caffe2 model (See checkpoints). This should be a good starting point to extract features, finetune on another dataset etc. without the hassle of dealing with Caffe2, and with all the benefits of a very carefully trained Kinetics model.
It's only a matter of time before FAIR releases a good PyTorch version of their nonlocal-net codebase, but until then, at least you have this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Amazing features:
- Only a single model (ResNet50-I3D). Parameters hardcoded with love.
- Only the evaluation script for Kinetics (training from scratch or ftuning has not been tested yet.)
- No nonlocal versions yet.
The code has been tested with Python 3.7 + PyTorch 1.0.
Pretrained Weights
Download pretrained weights for run_i3d_baseline_400k_32f
from the nonlocal repo
wget -P pretrained/
Convert these weights from caffe2 to pytorch. This is just a simple renaming of the blobs to match the pytorch model.
python -m utils.convert_weights pretrained/i3d_baseline_32x2_IN_pretrain_400k.pkl pretrained/i3d_r50_kinetics.pth
The model can be created and weights loaded using
from models import resnet
net = resnet.i3_res50()
Download videos using the official crawler and extract frames. This repo has a script to do this. Then create softlinks for frames and annotations:
mkdir -p data/kinetics/frames/ data/kinetics/annotations/
ln -s /path/to/kinetics/frames data/kinetics/frames/
ln -s /path/to/kinetics/annotation_csvs data/kinetics/annotations/
Run the evaluation script to generate scores on the validation set.
# Evaluation using 3 random spatial crops per frame + 10 uniformly sampled clips per video
python --batch_size 8 --mode video
>> (test) A: 0.722 | clf: 1.158 | total_loss: 1.158
# Evaluation using a single, center crop and a single, centered clip of 32 frames
python --batch_size 8 --mode clip
>> (test) A: 0.647 | clf: 1.551 | total_loss: 1.551
# Use --parallel for multiple GPUs
python --batch_size 64 --mode clip --parallel
You should get around 72.2% top-1 accuracy for the video (3 random spatial crops per frame + 10 uniformly sampled clips per video) and around 64.7% top-1 accuracy for the clip (single, center crop and a single, centered clip). Note that these numbers are on whatever is left of the Kinetics val set these days (~18434 videos).