
😎 Chaturbate DVR - auto records the stream when it goes online!

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Chaturbate DVR

The program can records multiple Chaturbate streams, supports macOS, Windows, Linux, can be run on Docker.

For Chaturbate-only, private/ticket stream is unsupported.

DMCA WARNING: Contents on Chaturbate are copyrighted, you should not copy, share, distribute the content.



Download executable from Release page (e.g., windows_chatubrate-dvr.exe).


🌐 Start the program with the Web UI

Visit http://localhost:8080 to use the Web UI.

# Windows (or double-click `chaturbate-dvr.exe` to open)
$ chaturbate-dvr.exe

# macOS or Linux
$ chaturbate-dvr


💻 or... Run as a command-line tool

Run the program with a channel name (-u CHANNEL_USERNAME) records the channel immediately, and the Web UI will be disabled.

# Windows
$ chaturbate-dvr.exe -u CHANNEL_USERNAME

# macOS or Linux
$ chaturbate-dvr -u CHANNEL_USERNAME



image_1 image_2

or... Command-line tool

$ ./chaturbate-dvr -u emillybrowm start

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[2024-01-24 00:11:54] [INFO] [emillybrowm] channel created
[2024-01-24 00:11:55] [INFO] [emillybrowm] channel is online, start fetching...
[2024-01-24 00:11:55] [INFO] [emillybrowm] the stream will be saved as videos/emillybrowm_2024-01-24_00-11-55.ts
[2024-01-24 00:11:55] [INFO] [emillybrowm] resolution 1080p is used
[2024-01-24 00:11:55] [INFO] [emillybrowm] framerate 30fps is used
[2024-01-24 00:11:57] [INFO] [emillybrowm] segment #0 written
[2024-01-24 00:11:57] [INFO] [emillybrowm] segment #1 written
[2024-01-24 00:11:57] [INFO] [emillybrowm] segment #2 written



$ chaturbate-dvr -h

   chaturbate-dvr - Records your favorite Chaturbate stream 😎🫵

   chaturbate-dvr [global options] command [command options]


   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --username value, -u value               channel username to record
   --gui-username value, --gui-u value      username for auth web (optional)
   --gui-password value, --gui-p value      password for auth web (optional)
   --framerate value, -f value              preferred framerate (default: 30)
   --interval value, -i value               minutes to check if the channel is online (default: 1)
   --resolution value, -r value             preferred resolution (default: 1080)
   --resolution-fallback value, --rf value  fallback to 'up' (larger) or 'down' (smaller) resolution if preferred resolution is not available (default: "down")
   --filename-pattern value, --fp value     filename pattern for videos (default: "videos/{{.Username}}_{{.Year}}-{{.Month}}-{{.Day}}_{{.Hour}}-{{.Minute}}-{{.Second}}{{if .Sequence}}_{{.Sequence}}{{end}}")
   --split-duration value, --sd value       minutes to split each video into segments ('0' to disable) (default: 0)
   --split-filesize value, --sf value       size in MB to split each video into segments ('0' to disable) (default: 0)
   --log-level value                        log level, availables: 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR' (default: "INFO")
   --port value                             port to expose the web interface and API (default: "8080")
   --help, -h                               show help
   --version, -v                            print the version


# Records in 720p/60fps
$ chaturbate-dvr -u yamiodymel -r 720 -f 60

# Split the video every 30 minutes
$ chaturbate-dvr -u yamiodymel -sd 30

# Split the video every 1024 MB
$ chaturbate-dvr -u yamiodymel -sf 1024

# Change output filename pattern
$ chaturbate-dvr -u yamiodymel -fp video/{{.Username}}/{{.Year}}-{{.Month}}-{{.Day}}_{{.Hour}}-{{.Minute}}-{{.Second}}_{{.Sequence}}

※ When runs in Web UI mode, the settings will be default settings for Web UI to create channels.


📺 Framerate & Resolution / Fallback

Fallback indicates what to do when there's no expected target resolution, situation:

Availables: 1080p, 720p, 240p

Resolution: 480p (fallback setted to: up)
    Result: 720p will be used

Resolution: 480p (fallback setted to: down)
    Result: 240p will be used


📄 Filename Pattern

The format is based on Go Template Syntax, available variables are:

{{.Username}}, {{.Year}}, {{.Month}}, {{.Day}}, {{.Hour}}, {{.Minute}}, {{.Second}}, {{.Sequence}}


Default it hides the sequence if it's zero.

Pattern: {{.Username}}_{{.Year}}-{{.Month}}-{{.Day}}_{{.Hour}}-{{.Minute}}-{{.Second}}{{if .Sequence}}_{{.Sequence}}{{end}}
 Output: yamiodymel_2024-01-02_13-45-00.ts    # Sequence won't be shown if it's zero.
 Output: yamiodymel_2024-01-02_13-45-00_1.ts

👀 or... The sequence can be shown even if it's zero.

Pattern: {{.Username}}_{{.Year}}-{{.Month}}-{{.Day}}_{{.Hour}}-{{.Minute}}-{{.Second}}_{{.Sequence}}
 Output: yamiodymel_2024-01-02_13-45-00_0.ts
 Output: yamiodymel_2024-01-02_13-45-00_1.ts

📁 or... Folder per each channel.

Pattern: video/{{.Username}}/{{.Year}}-{{.Month}}-{{.Day}}_{{.Hour}}-{{.Minute}}-{{.Second}}_{{.Sequence}}
 Output: video/yamiodymel/2024-01-02_13-45-00_0.ts

※ The file will be saved as .ts format and it's not configurable.


🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The program closes itself when I just open it on Windows

A: Try to open the program in Command Prompt, the error message should appear, and create a new Issue for it.


Q: Channel is online but the program says it's Offline

A: The program might be blocked by Chaturbate or Cloudflare. If the Channel is in a private/ticket show, the program doesn't support it yet.


Q: listen tcp :8080: bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.

A: The port 8080 is already in use, change the port with -port option (e.g. -port 8123) and visit http://localhost:8123.

If the error still occur, run Command Prompt as Administrator, and type net stop winnat then net start winnat, and re-run the Chaturbate DVR again.


Q: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

A: Your network is unstable or being blocked by Chaturbate, the program can't help with the network issue. Usually happened when you are using VPN or Proxy.


💬 Verbose Log

Change -log-level to DEBUG to see more details in terminal, like Duration and Size.

# Availables: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
$ chaturbate-dvr -u hepbugbear -log-level DEBUG
[2024-01-24 01:18:11] [INFO] [hepbugbear] segment #0 written
[2024-01-24 01:18:11] [DEBUG] [hepbugbear] duration: 00:00:06, size: 0.00 MiB
[2024-01-24 01:18:11] [INFO] [hepbugbear] segment #1 written
[2024-01-24 01:18:11] [DEBUG] [hepbugbear] duration: 00:00:06, size: 1.36 MiB
[2024-01-24 01:18:11] [INFO] [hepbugbear] segment #2 written
[2024-01-24 01:18:11] [DEBUG] [hepbugbear] duration: 00:00:06, size: 2.72 MiB
[2024-01-24 01:18:12] [DEBUG] [hepbugbear] segment #3 fetched
[2024-01-24 01:18:13] [INFO] [hepbugbear] segment #3 written
[2024-01-24 01:18:13] [DEBUG] [hepbugbear] duration: 00:00:10, size: 4.08 MiB