
Slack API Library for Google Apps Script

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Slack API Library for Google Apps Script

Library Key


API Document


How to use.

Use Slack API Token.

  1. Import SlackApp library to your project. See Documents
  • Library Key M3W5Ut3Q39AaIwLquryEPMwV62A3znfOO
  1. Get a Slack API token from Slack.
  2. Write a code!
function myFunction(){

  //Get properties.
  var prop =  PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperties();

  //Create an instance.
  var slackApp = SlackApp.create(prop.slackToken); 
  //My first Message!
  slackApp.chatPostMessage(prop.slackChannel, "Hi Slack.", {
    username : "My First Bot",
    icon_emoji : ":+1:" 

//If you want to create a replyable bot, you can use doGet method and [Outgoing WebHooks](https://exchaos.slack.com/services/new/outgoing-webhook) via Slack.

function doGet(e) {

  //Get properties.
  var prop =  PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperties();
  if (!e) {

    //for Test
    e = {
      parameter : {
        token : prop.verifyToken,
        team_id : "T0001",
        channel_id : "C2147483705",
        channel_name : "test",
        timestamp : "1355517523.000005",
        user_id : "U2147483697",
        user_name : "Steve",
        text : "MyFirstBot: Hi",
        trigger_word : "MyFirstBot:"

  if (prop.verifyToken != e.parameter.token) {
    throw new Error("invalid token.");

  //Create an instance.
  var slackApp = SlackApp.create(prop.slackToken); 
  //My first Message!
  slackApp.chatPostMessage(e.parameter.channel_id, "Hi " + e.parameter.user_name, {
    username : "My First Bot",
    icon_emoji : ":+1:" 

  return null;

Use OAuth2

TODO (Library is already supported, but not documented.)