What is this repository for?

This site is built with Eleventy. This project is built to be a static website that connects to a serverless function. This is also hosted on Netlify. Here's the summary of the files and folders

  • functions/ contains the serverless functions that deploy to Netlify. It is the "backend" code. Right now it only contains a file called place-order.js which sends an email to the seller whenever there's a new order placed. Documentation for Netlify Functions can be found on their website. This project followed the Overview and the Build with JavaScript tutorial.
  • src/ folder contains all of our code and assets for the front end.
    • src/assets/ folder contains the images, scripts, styles, and templates for our site.
      • src/assets/images/ folder contains the images used in the site. It is statically served with no further processing. When using images in code, reference it as /assets/images/your-image-file.jpeg like so:
      <img src="/assets/images/your-file.jpeg" alt="A sample image file.">
      • src/assets/scripts/ folder contains all of our front end JavaScript. It contains the scripts for user interactions and requests.
        • __scripts.11ty.js is a script that compiles our JavaScript files into one file, including dependencies pulled from npm JS files inside components/ and utilities/ folders
        • components/ are JS wrappers around user interface components. They are moderately documented with comments as guide.
          • components/Dialog.js is a script that handles interactivity around modal components. If you want to create a modal dialog, you will need two things:
            • A button with a data-dialog attribute that contains the ID of the modal.
            • An element that will become the modal dialog with an ID that is referenced by the button.
            <button data-dialog="id-of-modal">Dialog trigger</button>
            <div id="id-of-modal">...</div>
          • components/Inventory.js just fetches the price list. Use it to retrieve the products and feed it into the ShoppingCart object
          • components/ShoppingCart.js handles the shopping cart functionality
        • utilities/ are JS utilities. It currently only has one file, dom-helpers, which contain aliases for commonly-used DOM functions like querySelector and querySelectorAll.
        • index.js is the main script. -src/assets/styles folder contains all of our SCSS stylesheets
        • __styles.11ty.js compiles the SCSS stylesheets into CSS files.
          • To add more CSS files (e.g. stylesheets that are only used in specific pages), add an entry inside the ENTRY_POINTS variable.
          • The entry key will be the filename without the .css extension. The entry value will be the filename of the source SCSS file.
      • src/assets/views/ contains the templates and partials of our pages. The templating language is Nunjucks.
        • components/ folder contains the partials that are reused in different parts of the pages.
          • age-verification.njk is the modal that appears on page load to verify the user's age.
          • card.njk is the template for the product cards that appear in the shopping section.
          • checkout.njk contains the modal dialogs that make up the whole checkout process. This is controlled by code found inside src/assets/scripts/index.js.
        • layouts/ folder contains the page templates for pages. Currently it only has base.njk.
    • src/collections/ - contains the different collections used by Eleventy to generate the webpages.
      • api/ contains the templates for JSON APIs that the site uses. It currently only has prices.njk.
        • api.json contains the base configuration for all of the *.njk files inside this folder. It provides the default permalink for each JSON file.
        • prices.njk contains the template for the /api/v1.0.0/prices.json API endpoint. The JSON file this produces is then downloaded by index.js as reference for the ShoppingCartManager. The data for this comes from src/data/prices.json.
      • pages/ contains the pages for the site
        • pages.json provides the base configuration for all of the *.njk files inside this folder.
        • index.njk - the homepage of the site.
        • terms-and-conditions.njk - the Terms & Conditions page.
    • src/config contains config files for Eleventy
      • collections.js defines the collections that Eleventy will create pages for. If you want to add a new collection, like blog posts, just add a new folder for that in src/collections and add that path in this file.
      • filters.js defines custom filters. More information about filters can be found in the Eleventy documentation.
      • passthroughs.js defines the paths that Eleventy will ignore and serve as is. This includes images and custom fonts, if any. If there are other files you wish to be served statically, put them in this file.
      • shortcodes.js defines custom shortcodes. More information about shortcodes can be found in the Eleventy documentation.
      • plugins.js defines the plugins you want Eleventy to use during page render. More information about shortcodes can be found in the Eleventy documentation
      • watchtargets.js defines the paths Eleventy will watch for changes. If any file in these paths changes, Eleventy will trigger the rendering process and refresh your browser to reflect the changes.
    • src/data contains configuration that are used inside njk files. Information about Eleventy data files can be found in the Eleventy documentation
      • prices.json contains the products and their details. Inside *.njk files, they are accessible via the prices object/variable
      • site.json contains the details about the site. Values here are accessible via site object.
  • .eleventy.js the entry point of Eleventy. This normally doesn't change because any changes to the configs are done inside the files found in src/config. However, if you want to change it, it is just a NodeJS file.
  • .nvmrc contains the version of node used to render. Change this to the version of node you are using. Netlify will look at this to check which version it will use to render and deploy the site.
  • .env file contains other configs, and public/private API keys, if any. The git repository does not contain this file, you will need to create this file. DO NOT INCLUDE THIS FILE IN YOUR GIT COMMITS. Variables saved in this file are needed for local development. For the production environment, Netlify's site settings provides the Environment Settings. Remember to trigger deploy everytime you change the variables in Netlify.
    • PLACEMENT_ENDPOINT the path of the place-order function.
    • SENDGRID_API_KEY the SendGrid API key used for sending emails. Check the Netlify settings for the saved value. Production and development value for this variable is the same.
    • RECEIVER_EMAIL the email address that receives the order placements. For testing, use your email.

How do I get set up?

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Install Netlify CLI (Documentation)
# Install netlify-cli
npm install netlify-cli -g

# login to your Netlify account
netlify login
  1. Run dev server
netlify dev
  • Every change to files defined by src/config/watchtargets.js will trigger a render and refresh your browser to reflect changes.
  1. To deploy, commit your changes and merge them with origin/main branch. This will automatically trigger a deploy in Netlify.

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