
You want to use AWS CodeCommit but you still want to use Dependabot.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Use case

CodeCommit has the following advantages over GitHub:

  • Use IAM Roles to manage access to your repos
  • Easily integrate into services such as CodeBuild and CodePipeline
  • No longer worry about properly storing GitHub credentials in AWS
  • Leverage Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer
  • More cost-effective than GitHub (Github: $4 per user, CodeCommit: $1 per active user)

However you still want to leverage Dependabot for automated dependency updates.


Why another fork?

  • package as ruby gem
  • separate CLI and SDK for separate use cases
  • refactor code into a stateless Plain Old Ruby Object (PORO)
  • replace optimist for standard library OptionParser
  • be able to specify AWS profile
  • add detailed logging
  • add CloudFormation template to provision IAM Policy and AWS CodeBuild server
  • create cool graphic
  • write informative and opinionated Hashnode blog post

Setup and usage


GitHub Personal Access Token

You will need to provide a Github Personal Access Token with full repo access.

Even though your repo is hosted in CodeCommit, Dependabot is a Github service so you need to authenicate via a github account.

Package Managers

You will need to supply which package managers you want to scan:

  • bundler (ruby)
  • pip (python)
  • npm_and_yarn (nodejs)
  • maven (java)
  • gradle (java)
  • cargo (rust)
  • hex (erland)
  • composer (php)
  • nuget (.NET)
  • dep (Golang)
  • go_modules (Golang)
  • elm (Elm)
  • submodules (git?)
  • docker
  • terraform
  • github_actions

AWS Permissions

Create a new policy called DependabotCodeCommitPolicy with the following permissions (update the Resource ARNS based on your requirements)

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Attach this policy to the users or codebuild roles.

You want to use aws-vault to secure your AWS Credentials in your local development environment.

DependabotCodeCommit CLI

gem install dependabot-codecommit
dependabot-codecommit \ 
  --repo-name my_code_commit \
  --base_path '/' \
  --branch main \
  --github_access_token my-github-personal-access-token \
  --aws_region us-east-1 \
  --package_managers bundler,npm_and_yarn \
  --logfile /tmp/dependabot.log \
  --profile default

DependabotCodeCommit SDK

require 'dependabox-codecommit'
  repo_name: 'my_codecommit_repo',
  base_path: '/',
  branch: 'main',
  github_access_token: 'my-github-personal-access-token',
  aws_profile: 'default',
  aws_region: 'us-east-1',
  package_managers: ['bundler','npm_and_yarn'],
  log_file: '/tmp/dependabot.log'

DependabotCodeCommit Development

git clone git@github.com:teacherseat/dependabot-codecommit.git
cd dependabot-codecommit
bundle install

If you need to test the CLI locally

gem build dependabot-codecommit.gemspec
gem install --local dependabot-codecommit-1-0-0.gem

Native helpers

The bash script dependabot_helpers.sh helps automate the installation of the Dependabot Native Helpers as described here.

It is currently designed to install all possible native helpers, which includes: Terraform, Python, Go (Dep & Modules), Elixir, PHP, JS

This also helps preserve your existing environment variables, including your PATH.