work in progress
part of the bones framework is a Pipeline implementation built on Onyx. It offers Input and Output components to ease the configuration and setup effort. It has the goal of a slim API to make getting started as easy as possible. For a quick implementation example see core-test.
It is recommended to run Aeron in it's own process in production. Here is how to do that.
Add namespaces to the lein profile that builds the jar. The namespaces must have
methods and (:gen-class)
in the definition.
:profiles {
:uberjar {:aot [
Build the jar
lein uberjar
Start processes with each of the desired entry points like this:
(note underscores)
java -cp target/xyz-standalone.jar
java -cp target/xyz-standalone.jar lib_onyx.media_driver
java -cp target/xyz-standalone.jar xyz.web
java -cp target/xyz-standalone.jar xyz.other
Reuse configuration from Onyx Kafka Plugin to create a producer that will use the topic that the :bones/input task is configured to cosume.
Reuse configuration from the :bones/output task to create a subscription to the same channel that the task is configured to publish to.
docker-compose up -d
lein test
There is also a "test" in "production configuration". Try it with these commands.
lein uberjar
# start first
docker-compose up -d
# start second
java -cp target/stream-0.0.3-standalone.jar lib_onyx.media_driver
# start third
java -cp target/stream-0.0.3-standalone.jar
You should see :args [left up]
in the output because
was executed between the :bones/input
task and the :bones/output
redis task
Copyright © 2017 Chris Thompson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.