A modular implementation of the VQE algorithm for ground state estimation

Primary LanguagePython


A modular implementation of the VQE algorithm for ground state estimation

Required Packages


Qiskit python package

pip install qiskit

OpenFermion python package

pip install openfermion

Getting Started

The VQE algorithm is run with the main.py file

python main.py -h

Will provide a list of arguments that can be supplied.

An example execution:

python main.py --hamiltonian Hamiltonians/H2_6-31g_JW_OS1/AS3/qubitH_H2_6-31g_JW_0.1.txt --refstate HartreeFock --ansatz UCCSD_Whitfield --qubits 6 --optimizer Nelder_Mead --output Results/output_file.txt