Discretizations approaches for SU(2) and their effects on lattice gauge theories

Hello there,

my name is Timo Jakobs and this repository contains my bachelor's thesis in physics supervised by Prof. Dr. Carsten Urbach from the University of Bonn. The thesis itself can be found here. The three directories found here contain the following things:


The numerics directory contains the implementation of the Metropolis-Monte-Carlo algorithm used for this thesis. It uses C++ and makes use of Nvidia's CUDA library for parallel execution on GPUs. Further details can be found here.


The data_analysis_scripts directory contains several python scripts calling the simulation found in the (numerics)[numerics] folder, and creates the diagrams found in the thesis from the results. Further details can be found here.


In the thesis folder, the LaTeX source code of the final report can be found. It also contain some symbolic links to plots and pictures created within the export folder in the data_analysis_scripts folder. These are unresolved, when initially cloning the repository, as the files are created by the python scripts found in the data_analysis_scripts.

(The thesis as handed in can be found in the thesis_hand_in_state branch. The main branch will contain further changes to adjust plots for the presentation, as well as correct minor typos.)