
Python control system for a Lego RC car which connects to an Xbox controller via Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguagePython

This repository is attached to my Lego + Raspberry Pi + Xbox Controller project.



Main script to execute the RC car controller.


Reads Event objects from the Xbox controller, and updates the GPIO/I2C outputs on the Raspberry Pi as appropriate.


Wrapper around xboxdrv driver. Reads from the controller and emits Event objects, which have a key (A, X1, or other controller button) and a value (0 or 1 for buttons. 0 to 256 for triggers. -32767 to 32768 for thumbsticks.

Installation on a fresh Raspberry Pi

Get pip. Update Python. Get C headers. Install the interface library.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo easy_install -U distribute
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo pip install RPi.GPIO

Install I2C communications libraries

sudo apt-get install python-smbus
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
sudo modprobe i2c-bcm2708
sudo modprobe i2c-dev

Install the XBox controller driver

sudo apt-get install xboxdrv

Prove that it works... (wiggle the controller sticks)

sudo xboxdrv --wid 0 -l 2 --dpad-as-button --deadzone 12000

Execute the motor controller

sudo ./lego-controller.sh