
150+ Toggleable Tweaks & Features including Vanilla Tweaks as a plugin, and more!

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Teak's Tweaks Plugin

[Previously known as Vanilla Tweaks]

Datapacks can sometimes cause lag, especially when running loops, or constant checks. So how can this be solved? Well.. by using a Plugin! Spigot plugins can be optimised to run not only faster, but more lag efficient.

The Vanilla Tweaks Plugin project was started to reproduce all Vanilla Tweaks datapacks & crafting tweaks exactly, into one modular Spigot Plugin. Using a plugin can also allow for more customizable, and easy to use interfaces.

How to Use

Every Vanilla Tweaks Datapack & Crafting Tweak in the Plugin can be enabled inside config.yml.

To Enable a datapack, find it in the packs: section, and change enabled: false to enabled: true.
After marking the tweak as true, run /teakstweaks reload to reload the datapacks. (remember to save the file!)


    # More Mob Heads
    # Adds a chance to receive a mob head upon killing it.
        enabled: true

Some Packs have configurable options, these could be native to vanilla tweaks, or added for the plugin, to change these just change the value in the proper config section.


      # Player Head Drops
    # A player will drop their head when killed by another player. The item displays who the killer is.
        enabled: true
        # Whether to display who killed the player in the items lore (default: true)
        display-killer: true

Crafting Tweaks

To Enable a crafting tweak, find it in the crafting-tweaks: section of config.yml, and change enabled: to true.
After marking the tweak as true, a server restart is required to reload the recipes. (remember to save the file!)

Note: If a tweak is disabled after being previously enabled, you may get an "Unknown Recipe" Error in the server console. Disregard this, it is just a side effect of modifying recipes.


    # Universal Dyeing
    # Allows you to dye any dyeable block to another color, no matter what color it is (does not include Concrete).
        enabled: true


All Plugin Development is by (@teakivy)

Original Concept:
Vanilla Tweaks: https://vanillatweaks.net/


For Plugin support, Join my discord (dsc.gg/teakivy) and ask for help in #❓︱support