
🔥 🎉 A React-Native starter kit with React-Navigation + Code Push + Onesignal + Sentry + Google Signin 🎉 🔥

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React Native Init

🎉🔥 A React-Native starter kit with React-Navigation + Code Push + Onesignal + Sentry + Google Signin 🎉🔥



Get Started

  1. ⬇️ Installation

    Fire command prompt and run following commands :

    $ git clone https://github.com/teallabs/react-native-init
    $ cd react-native-init && npm install
  2. Project Name & Bundle Id change

    We recommend you renaming your project-name & bundle-id, as this would be essential for your whole project configuration. Following steps will help you rename your project :

    • Install react-native-rename npm install react-native-rename -g
    • For renaming app : react-native-rename <newName>
    • For changing bundle id : // For Android react-native-rename <newName> -b <bundleIdentifier> //For iOS Open project in Xcode, Go to General tab and change Bundle Identifier bundle-id
  3. 📋 Documentation 📋

    To get this project running with all dependencies, follow steps given below :

    1. Google Signin

      We are using react-native-google-signin for Google Signin. For user authentication and push notification we will be using Firebase. First we setup our firebase app for both platforms.

      • Create a new account / Log in to your account
      • Create a new project with required information

      Generate Release/Debug keystores

      Fire up console in your project folder and run following command :

      // For Debug
      keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
      // For Release
      keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias my-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

      Move the .keystore file generated to android/app folder.

      Your gradle.properties file in android / app should have following settings. The store and key password should be same as what you entered while creating Release keystore file.

      MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD= /* Password of release keystore */
      MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD= /* Enter password here*/

      Configure Firebase project for both android and iOS app individually. First we will start with setting up firebase for android app.

      1. Android You will be needing Bundle Identifier from build.gradle in next step.
      |_ android
      |_ _ app
      |_ _ _ build.gradle


      Enter bundle id from build.gradle to add firebase to android app. Register App and skip rest of the steps. firebase android

      You need to generate SHA-1 and add the generated fingerprint to your firebase config for android app.

      Run following commands in project-name > android > app
      // For Debug
      keytool -list -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
      // For Release
      keytool -list -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias my-key-alias -storepass [storepass] -keypass [keypass]

      Go to Firebase > Project Settings enter SHA

      After adding both SHA-1 fingerprint of Debug and Release download google-services.json file and replace it with your android/app/google-services.json file.

      1. iOS

      Add new iOS app in your Firebase project.

      You will get bundle identifier from Xcode / General tab. Register and skip other steps. bundle-id

      Once done registering app, download and open the GoogleService-Info.plist file.

      Open Xcode and switch to Info tab. You need to give url types which we will get from GoogleService-Info.plist file.

      Get Bundle Id and Reverse Client Id from GoogleService-Info.plist file. Enter respective fields in Xcode.


      Navigate to App.js file and change iosClientId in hasPlayServices and uncomment that line.


      For more configuration in Google Signin, follow instructions from React-Native-Google-Signin .

    2. OneSignal

      OneSignal provides a simple interface to push notifications and email.

      • Create an account here
      • Add a new app

      First we will configure for android app,

      1. Android Open your firebase project and switch to Cloud Messaging tab and copy Google Server API Key, Google Project Number for configuring android app. cloud messaging

        Now switch to code editor and make changes as suggested below.

        // Navigate here
        |_ android
        |_ _ app
        |_ _ _ build.gradle

        onesignal app id

        1. iOS

          For iOS, you will be prompted to give .p12 file. Read from [here].(https://support.magplus.com/hc/en-us/articles/203808748-iOS-Creating-a-Distribution-Certificate-and-p12-File) how to get .p12 file When you are done with configuring iOS project

        • Now open AppDelegate.m in code editor and change oneSignalAppId with the one you get on creating a new app on Onesignal platform.

           |_ ios
           |_ _ ProjectName
           |_ _ _ AppDelegate.m


    3. Sentry

      Sentry provides open source error tracking that shows you every crash in your stack as it happens, with the details needed to prioritize, identify, reproduce, and fix each issue.

      • Create your account here / Login here
      • Add a new project
      • Once you are done creating project open sentry.properties file from both android and iOS folder.
      • You have to change Organization name, Project name and auth token.
         // Navigate here
         |_ android
         |_ _ app
         |_ _ _ sentry.properties
         |_ _ ios
         |_ _ _ sentry.properties


      In project settings, you can see your project name written in lower case. Use it for above configuration.

      You can get your organization name from organization settings which is written in lower case.

      Migrate here to get auth.token ☝️

      Now open index.js and change ADD_SENTRY_CLIENT_KEY from DSN(Legacy/Deprecated)

      sentry DSN

    4. Code Push

      CodePush is a cloud service that enables React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates instantly to their user's devices. Following steps will help in configuring CodePush for project.

      1. Install CodePush CLI

        npm install -g code-push-cli
      2. Create/Login a CodePush account

        // Register
        > code-push register
        // Login if registered already
        > code-push login
      3. Register your app If your app targets both iOS and Android, we highly recommend creating separate apps with CodePush. One for each platform.

        // For Android
        > code-push app add <App-Name-Android> android react-native
        // For iOS
        > code-push app add <App-Name-Ios> ios react-native

        For Android

        > code-push deployment ls <App-Name-Android> --displayKeys

        Copy both Debug and Release key in build.gradle in

        |_ _ app
        |_ _ _ build.gradle

        codepush android

        For iOS

        > code-push deployment ls <App-Name-Ios> --displayKeys

        codepush-ios Note : Change CODEPUSH_KEYs with keys we get from above command.

🎬 Start project

You are now all set to start your project !

// For iOS
> react-native run-ios

// For Android
> react-native run-android

🏢 Build your app 🏢

When your app is ready to ship, you need to individially build .apk and .ipa file for android and iOS respectively.

For Android,

cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease

The final apk would be generated in

|_ _ app
|_ _ _ build
|_ _ _ _ outputs
|_ _ _ _ _ apk
|_ _ _ _ _ _ app-release.apk

For iOS, It's a long process to build .ipa file for App Store. We will be adding a detailed procedure for this in wiki shortly. Meanwhile, you can follow this awesome blog.

💩 Troubleshooting 💩

If you have any problem, search for the issues in this repository. If you don't find anything, you can raise an issue here.
