
Player will assume the role of an overworked HR manager in this time-limited game, where they must decide whether to retain or fire each worker

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Team FTL: Kyle Freemantle, Jonathan Tsai, Thomas Lau


It's 2023, and the layoffs are happening! Leadership has put everyone in Performance Improvement Plan for the past month and asked you to go through the current stack of employees and decide who gets to stay.

This web game will utilize a left-right decision making mechanism simulating a overworked HR manager at a big tech company. The user will be presented with a simulated graph of an employee's progress in their Perfomance Improvement Plan (PIP) and will have to make a binary descision to retain or fire the worker. The employees are either in good standing (represented by green scorecard) or in bad standing (represented by red scorecard). On the scorecard, there is a progress graph indicated if they are improving or worsening in their standing. The user will have to click right to keep or click left to fire. When the time ends, the user will be presented with how many employees they've processed correctly. They will then be able to brag to their friends about their cutthroat business acumen!


Layoffs-The-Game (3)

User Story

  1. Inputs received by page The webpage will let the user input their name and be able to start the game
  • Create form element to accept user name
  • Create Button, or Submit process
  • Attach eventHandler to Button/Submit
  1. Display instructions for game Instructions will be present on page load, always accessible
  • Create a <section> below the game for instructions
  • Color coded text descriptions of the performance charts instructs the user while staying appropriately vague to fit the theme
  • Text about what who you are and what your objectives are
  • Click instructions presented to show how to interact with the game
  1. Timer User gets 20 seconds to process employee graphs.
  • Need a section for timer
  • Game ends after timer ends
  • All game function is removed to prevent interactions
  • Page loads ending blurb
  1. Game function Graph of employee progress in PIP
  • Graph is displayed
  • User clicks keep or fire buttons
  • Left is fire, right is keep
  1. Game Logic Graphs have correct answers for the user to interpret
  • Green graph going up is keep
  • Red graph going down is keep
  • Green graph going down is fire
  • Red graph going up is fire
  1. Game Ends The timer runs out, the user is presented with a blurb that obscures the gameplay area
  • The blurb will display how many employees they processed
  • The blurb will also block the actual game field
  • A link to leaderboard will be presented so user can check their scores
  1. Leaderboard page The user will be able to see their score on a leaderboard.
  • Leaderboard will keep previous score and keep the scores all ranked in order by amount of processed
  • Will utilize local storage to keep previous rounds scores with name and employees processed
  • A reset button will clear localStorage, allowing the player to fill the high score area again.
  1. About the team There will be a page to introduce the web developers who worked on this project
  • A short bio of each team member is presented
  • A photo of team member is also shown

Domain Modeling and Wireframing

Domain Modeling and Wireframing