Code for The Lie-Group Bayesian Learning Rule, E. M. Kiral, T. Möllenhoff, M. E. Khan, AISTATS 2023.
The code requires JAX and various other standard dependencies such as matplotlib and numpy; see the 'requirements.txt'.
To train on TinyImageNet, you will need to download the dataset from here and extract it into the datasetfolder directory (see the '' file).
To run the additive and multiplicative learning-rule proposed in the paper on a tanh-MLP & MNIST dataset, you can use the following commands:
Running the additive rule:
python3 --optim additive --model mlp --alpha1 0.05 --epochs 25 --noise gaussian --noiseconfig 0.001 --batchsize 50 --priorprec 0 --mc 32 --warmup 0
This should train to around 98%.
Running the multiplicative rule (the code currently only supports Rayleigh-noise):
python3 --optim multiplicative --temperature 0.006 --alpha1 50 --beta1 0.9 --model mlp --noise rayleigh --batchsize 50 --mc 32 --epochs 25 --priorprec 0 --warmup 0
This should also train to around 98%.
To reproduce the figures visualizing the filters, run the following (after training the tanh-MLP networks using the above commands):
python3 --resultsfolder results/mnist_mlp/additive/run_0
python3 --resultsfolder results/mnist_mlp/multiplicative/run_0
The above filter images are saved by the script in the resultsfolder as png files.
Training a LeNet-like CNN on CIFAR-10 with the multiplicative updates:
python3 --optim multiplicative --temperature 0.001 --alpha1 100 --beta1 0.9 --model cnn --noise rayleigh --batchsize 100 --mc 10 --epochs 180 --priorprec 1 --dataset cifar10 --multinitoffset 0.001 --dafactor 4 --warmup 3
python3 --resultsfolder results/cifar10_cnn/multiplicative/run_0 --testbatchsize 2000
should give the following results:
results at g:
> testacc=86.12%, nll=0.7622, ece=0.1010
results at model average (32 samples):
> testacc=87.24%, nll=0.4500, ece=0.0151
To run the affine and additive learning rule on CIFAR and TinyImageNet dataset, you can use the following commands:
Affine update rule (w/ Gaussian noise):
python3 --optim affine --temperature 1 --alpha1 1.0 --alpha2 0.05 --beta1 0.8 --beta2 0.999 --dataset cifar10 --model resnet20 --noise gaussian --batchsize 200 --mc 1 --noiseconfig 0.005 --batchsplit 1 --epochs 180 --priorprec 25
Running the additive update rule (w/ Gaussian noise):
python3 --optim additive --alpha1 0.5 --beta1 0.8 --dataset cifar10 --model resnet20 --noise gaussian --batchsize 200 --mc 1 --noiseconfig 0.005 --batchsplit 1 --priorprec 25
To evaluate ECE, nll and accuracy of the trained models, run the following command specifying the folder where the results have been saved:
python3 --resultsfolder results/cifar10_resnet20/affine/run_0
This produces an output as follows, cf. also Table 2 in the paper:
results at g:
> testacc=91.96%, nll=0.2887, ece=0.0363
results at model average (32 samples):
> testacc=92.02%, nll=0.2661, ece=0.0247
We can also evaluate our additive learning rule:
python3 --resultsfolder results/cifar10_resnet20/additive/run_0
This produces an output as follows, cf. also Table 2 in the paper:
results at g:
> testacc=92.07%, nll=0.3014, ece=0.0420
results at model average (32 samples):
> testacc=92.21%, nll=0.2688, ece=0.0268
We can run the affine learning rule using multiple random samples as follows:
python3 --optim affine --temperature 1 --alpha1 1.0 --alpha2 0.05 --beta1 0.8 --beta2 0.999 --dataset cifar10 --model resnet20 --noise gaussian --batchsize 200 --mc 3 --noiseconfig 0.01 --batchsplit 1 --epochs 180 --priorprec 25
This will be more computationally expensive but leads to improved results:
results at g:
> testacc=92.13%, nll=0.2747, ece=0.0348
results at model average (32 samples):
> testacc=92.42%, nll=0.2403, ece=0.0099
Please contact Thomas if there are issues or quesitons about the code, or raise an issue here in this github repository.