
Bol.com retailer API for V10

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Important note

As far as im aware, no one is using this library yet, and there isnt a high demand for it. Therefore i develop this library on per use basis and will not put my full focus on it. If you do plan on using this library but cant because of its in-development status. Please make a GH issue so im aware someones actually waiting on this. As of right now, this library is NOT ready for (production) usage yet

Bol.com Retailer API Wrapper

Source https://api.bol.com/retailer/public/redoc/v10/retailer.html

Github: https://github.com/team-bicep/bol-retailer-api NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bol-retailer-api

npm i bol-retailer-api

This is a unofficial npm library for the bol.com retailer api


import Bol from "bol-retailer-api";

bol = new Bol(API_KEY, API_SECRET);


  • Commissions
    • Get all commissions and reductions by EAN in bulk
    • Get all commissions and reductions by EAN per single EAN
  • Insights
    • Get offer insights
    • Get performance indicators
    • Get sales forecast
    • Get search terms
  • Inventory
    • Get LVB/FBB inventory
  • Invoices
    • Get all invoices
    • Get an invoice by invoice id
    • Get an invoice specification by invoice id
  • Offers
    • Create a new offer
    • Request an offer export file
    • Retrieve an offer export file by report id
    • Request an unpublished offer report
    • Retrieve an unpublished offer report by report id
    • Retrieve an offer by its offer id
    • Update an offer
    • Delete offer by id
    • Update price(s) for offer by id
    • Update stock for offer by id
  • Orders
    • Get a list of orders
    • Cancel an order item by an order item id
    • Get an order by order id
  • Product Content
    • Get catalog product details by EAN
    • Get chunk recommendations
    • Create content for a product
    • Get an upload report by upload id
  • Products
    • Get products list
    • Get products list filters
    • Get product assets
    • Get a list of competing offers by EAN
    • Get product placements
    • Get price star boundaries by EAN
    • Get product ids by EAN
    • Get product ratings
  • Promotions
    • Get a list of promotions
    • Get a promotion by promotion id
    • Get a list of products
  • Replenished
    • Get replenishments
    • Create a replenishment
    • Get delivery dates
    • Post pickup time slots
    • Request product destinations
    • Get product destinationa by product destinations id
    • Post product labels
    • Get a replenishment by replenishment id
    • Update a replenishment by replenishment id
    • Get load carrier labels
    • Get pick list
  • Retailers
    • Get retailer information by retailer id
  • Returns
    • Get returns
    • Create a return
    • Get a return by return id
    • Handle a return by rma id
  • Shipments
    • Get shipment list
    • Create a shipment
    • Get a list of invoice requests
    • Upload an invoice for shipment id
    • Get a shipment by shipment id
  • Shipping labels
    • Create a shipping label
    • Get delivery options
    • Get a shipping label
  • Subscriptions
    • Retrieve Event Notification Subscriptions (BETA)
    • Create Event Notification Subscription (BETA)
    • Retrieve public keys for push notification signature validation.
    • Send test push notification for subscriptions
    • Retrieve Specific Event Notification Subscription (BETA)
    • Update Event Notification Subscription (BETA)
    • Remove Event Notification Subscription
  • Transports
    • Add transport information by transport id