
A set of templating tools for generating and submitting Torque jobs

Primary LanguagePython

Jobtpl: A set of templating tools for generating and submitting Torque jobs

This project contains a set of Python and shell scripts for generating and managing Torque job files. Their main focus is on Gaussian 09 calculations, but the general approach is broadly applicable.

The Python scripts to not use any modules outside of the core distribution as they are intended to run on a broad variety of environments. The scripts have been used with Python 2.4 - 2.7.

Python Scripts

The two Python scripts, dihed.py and irc.py, create job files for performing dihedral rotation and following internal reaction coordinates, respectively. This involves making copies of a single Gaussian 09 frequency calculation checkpoint file and creating the appropriate Gaussian 09 com files and Torque job files.

The com and job files are created based on template files. dihed.py uses comtpl and jobtpl for its default com and job templates. irc.py uses irccomtpl and jobtpl for its defaults. The template syntax is the built-in [Python template string style] (http://docs.python.org/library/string.html#template-strings).

Both scripts use Python's OptionParser library for parsing command-line options. The -h option will print a usage description message.

Shell Scripts

The shell scripts are intended as examples of basic shell loops. run.sh loops through the output of an ls command and range.sh loops through a given range of integers. I do not know how recent bashs addition of the C-style for loop is, so range.sh may not work in older environments.