Practice Round: Even More Pizza
Given the description of the pizzas available, and the number of teams of 2, 3, or 4 people that have ordered, decide which pizzas to send to each of the teams. The goal is to maximize, per team, the number of different ingredients used in all their pizzas.
Attempt | How to choose the teams? | How to choose the first pizza in a delivery? | How to choose the rest of the pizzas in the delivery? |
1st | deliver to all the 4-person teams we have pizzas for, then to the 3-person teams and then to the 2-person teams | pick the one with the most ingredients | pick the one with the most ingredients |
2nd | deliver to all the 4-person teams we have pizzas for, then to the 3-person teams and then to the 2-person teams | pick the one with the most ingredients | pick the one with the most ingredients of the pizzas that have the least ingredients in common with the pizzas already selected for that delivery |
3rd | deliver to all the 4-person teams we have pizzas for, then to the 3-person teams and then to the 2-person teams | pick the one with the most ingredients | pick the one with the largest number of ingredients that weren't on any of the pizzas already selected for that delivery |
Score: 577,981,201 points
Online Qualification Round: Traffic Signaling
Given the description of a city plan and planned paths for all cars in that city, optimize the schedule of traffic lights to minimize the total amount of time spent in traffic, and help as many cars as possible reach their destination before a given deadline.
Note: An intersection with only one street that comes into it is trivial therefore regardless of all else that in-street gets the green light all of the time.
Attempt | Which in-streets get time? | How do you come up with the schedule? |
1st | all of them | each street that comes into an intersection gets 1 time unit |
2nd | all of them | for an intersection with 3 streets that come into it, the street appearing the most often in the car paths gets 3 time units, the street appearing the most often in the car paths of the remaining streets gets 2 time units and the street appearing the least often in the car paths gets 1 time unit |
3rd | only the ones that appear at least once in the car paths | for an intersection with 3 streets that come into it, the street appearing the most often in the car paths gets 3 time units, the street appearing the most often in the car paths of the remaining streets gets 2 time units and the street appearing the least often in the car paths gets 1 time unit |
4th | only the ones that appear at least once in the car paths | each street that comes into the intersection gets time proportional to how often it appears in the car paths |
5th | can't tell a priori | after every time unit we select the in-street with the most cars waiting and save it in the intersection history and at the end of the simulation each intersection's schedule is created based on its history |
Score: 8,800,037 points
Round | Score | #Hub | #Country | #Worldwide |
Online Qualification Round | 8,800,037 points | 5th | 25th | 2961th |
Name | Github | Role |
Cristiano Clemente | @cristianocclemente | Team Leader, Programmer & README writer |
Hugo Pitorro | @xtwigs | Programmer |
Catarina Carreiro | @cmcarreiro | Algorithm Designer |
Mónica Jin | @mokita-j | Algorithm Designer |
hub: GCE-NEIIST - Instituto Superior Técnico from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal)