
Umlaut plugin for Recent Articles from JournalTOCs

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Build Status

Plug-in for Umlaut to provide Recent Articles for a journal title via JournalTOCs API.

Depends on the bento_search gem.


  1. Add to Gemfile

    gem "umlaut_journal_tocs", "~> 1.0"

  2. Register for JournalTOCs, with an email address. http://www.journaltocs.ac.uk/index.php?action=register

  3. Add a ./config/initializer/umlaut_journal_tocs.rb defining the bento_search engine for JournalTocs, using your registered email address:

    The engine name 'umlaut_journal_tocs' will be used by default

    by the Umlaut service

    BentoSearch.register_engine("umlaut_journal_tocs") do |conf| conf.engine = "JournalTocsForJournal" conf.registered_email = "registered_email@example.com" conf.for_display do |display| display.decorator = 'UmlautJournalTocsDecorator' display.item_partial = "umlaut_journal_tocs/bento_item" end end

  4. Add view section to page for recent articles

In your local ./app/controllers/umlaut_controller.rb, in the umlaut_config.configure do section, add:

resolve_sections.insert_section UmlautJournalTocs.resolve_section_definition
  1. Define your service in ./config/umlaut_services.yml

    JournalTocs: type: JournalTocsAdapter priority: c


Running tests

We use VCR to record interactions with JournalTOCs in tests. To record new cassettes, you need to have an ENV variable JOURNAL_TOCS_EMAIL set to an email address registered for JournalTocs API. Your email address will be kept out of recorded cassettes.