
Sound feed available everywhere

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Audio cloud

Is a player which aims to play:

  • Soundclound
  • Youtube
  • Others




To test it, fill in ViewController.m your SoundClound client ID. static NSString *soundcloundClientId = @""; (line 22)

Back end

Here is describe how to get the audio feed

  • Media Stream feed:
	--header "Content-Type:application/json"```

- Media Stream returns:

[ { name: "III - Dusty kid", duration: 6354, url: "http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/112638475/stream?client_id=4a35610ca12c56aa757a2b3c140215a6", image: "http://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000055293402-affc20-large.jpg?3eddc42", audio_type_id: 0 } ]

- Media Object:
  • name: media name
  • duration: media duration in seconds
  • url: media stream url
  • image: image url
  • audio_type_id:
    • soundcloud = 0,
    • youtube = 1


- **Benoit Liabastre** | Backend
- **Adrien Guffens** | iOS - client application