- 1
Implement Elevator Height Setpoints
#154 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Implement Autonomous Climb Functionality
#163 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Create Stilts PID Position Setpoint for Climb
#158 opened by roshanr10 - 9
Update WPILib Preferences
#133 opened by roshanr10 - 0
Look into using Pigeon IMU
#156 opened by roshanr10 - 8
Test PixyCAM for Alignment
#153 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Look into Alternate Ways to Mount NavX
#155 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Look into Limit Switch Issue on Elevator
#159 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Figure out Camera Streaming
#160 opened by roshanr10 - 2
- 29
- 0
Cleanup SmartDashboard Debug Outputs
#129 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Add limit switch for elevator
#118 opened by ashwinc12 - 3
Develop Custom HTML Dashboard
#91 opened by roshanr10 - 2
Fix Stilts
#128 opened by roshanr10 - 4
Map Gamepad Buttons for both controllers
#92 opened by ashwinc12 - 6
Decrease drive speed as elevator height increases
#111 opened by ashwinc12 - 14
Design + Implement Driver User Interface
#83 opened by roshanr10 - 2
Develop SmartDashboard CODE Interface
#89 opened by roshanr10 - 11
Reflective Tape Detection with OpenCV
#66 opened by sMyn42 - 1
Implement Semiautonomous Commands
#85 opened by roshanr10 - 5
Create Elevator & Arm Commands
#84 opened by roshanr10 - 3
Test & Finalize LineFollowing Mechanism
#86 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Install & Configure Firefox
#125 opened by roshanr10 - 4
Develop WPI SmartDashboard UI
#90 opened by roshanr10 - 2
Save NetworkTables State for Simulations
#94 opened by roshanr10 - 0
Update Gradle Config
#110 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Investigate LED Strips
#59 opened by roshanr10 - 9
Implement Stilts & Climber
#56 opened by roshanr10 - 8
Set angle to 90 degrees for elevator arm
#97 opened by ashwinc12 - 20
Mount & Stream Two Cameras on Robot
#87 opened by ashwinc12 - 1
- 6
Implement motion magic
#99 opened by jasonbishop11 - 1
Update SPARK MAX software
#96 opened by ashwinc12 - 1
Switch hatch panel to double solenoid
#98 opened by ashwinc12 - 4
Implement Elevator and Arm PID Loop
#82 opened by ashwinc12 - 4
Mount & Test Gyro for Stilts Control
#63 opened by roshanr10 - 12
Design + Implement User Interface
#55 opened by roshanr10 - 5
Needs to be tested
#76 opened by ashwinc12 - 12
Decide on Dashboard GUI
#60 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Create manipulator gamepad
#77 opened by ashwinc12 - 2
Investigate Uses of LIDAR
#71 opened by shashjar - 1
Implement Elevator Arm
#54 opened by roshanr10 - 2
Implement Elevator
#53 opened by roshanr10 - 1
Code Stilts Subsystem
#73 opened by ashwinc12 - 1
Test NavX Gyro
#74 opened by ashwinc12 - 1
Plan out Semi-auto Commands
#57 opened by roshanr10 - 3
- 3
Investigate using IR Sensor (Intake)
#44 opened by roshanr10 - 0