
Webservice for generating pdfs from html

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Using PhantomJS to generate PDFs, via a webservice. Runs using Node.js.

See it in action at: html2pdf.it.

Ready to fork and push to Heroku (where I run it).

Works out of the box on both Windows and Ubuntu.

On Mac you need to:

brew install phantomjs

To get started you need to clone the repository, cd to it and run.

npm install

Running webserver locally

This also opens your webbrowser on the local webserver

node open.js

Running webserver

node lib/app.js

If you want to host html2pdf.it yourself, you will have to ask your host if they support hosting Node.js applications. Node.js is still new, so a lot of hosts don't support it.

If your host does not support Node.js you'll need to find a new host that does. Check out Heroku.com or nodejitsu.com, for example.

Running tests

npm test

Node modules used

  • Routing etc. is done with express
  • Testing is done with mocha, chai and sinon, using BDD style tests.
  • JSHint is run on the JavaScript code

Node version

Version 0.10+ of Node.js is required (Domains are used for catching errors, and domains were not really stable before 0.10).