
Feature spec after showing the result it got stuck and never completed.

uday708 opened this issue · 2 comments

Note: This is for issues with Capybara. If you have a howto type question, please ask on the mailing list as requested in the README:


Capybara Version: 3.36.0

Driver Information (and browser if relevant):

Jruby v

Using DatabaseCleaner v 2.0.1

Expected Behavior

Feature spec should complete after showing the result.

Actual Behavior

For some reason only for feature spec after showing the result it got stuck and never completed.

3 examples, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 5766

Stuck here

Steps to reproduce

Not sure how this is a Capybara issue. There's no way to reproduce, no stack trace, and no other information which would be useful to start debugging. If you can provide some info that shows this is an issue in Capybara rather than Rspec, rack, selenium, chrome driver, etc, etc we can reopen

because things working fine with version 3.26.1