- 1
Headless Chrome Capybara::Driver::Base#accept_modal (Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError)
#2789 opened by joshuacronemeyer - 0
Viewport tests failing in headless Chrome 130.0.6723.69.
#2788 opened by AfafRH19 - 1
`clear_local_storage` and `clear_session_storage` are deprecated in Selenium
#2779 opened by excelsior - 4
- 3
Capybara cannot configure Firefox
#2766 opened by adeherdt-r7 - 2
Rails error when running tests
#2782 opened by jason-hobbs - 0
Capybara always want Selenium
#2783 opened by chmich - 0
- 0
- 0
Speedup Capybara
#2776 opened by chmich - 2
Tests Fail in CI with 'visit' Method but Pass Locally
#2741 opened by davideluque - 0
Remove Deprecated Warnings for WebStorage JS methods
#2772 opened by bkleinen - 3
Google Chrome selenium drivers broken on MacOS because of search engine selection modal
#2769 opened by vrodic - 7
Race condition between chromedriver and selenium with a good stack trace indicating it
#2770 opened by krschacht - 3
- 0
Consider backporting rackup fix #2706 to 3.39.x
#2763 opened by JonRowe - 0
Under JRuby Capybara is hanging with default server (Puma) at the end of test suite
#2762 opened by dolzenko - 0
Selenium raises WebDriverError, not JavascriptError, when access is denied to clear sessionStorage
#2745 opened by DanielHeath - 4
Feature request: click_on should expand details/summary
#2748 opened by jcoyne - 2
Popover attribute is not handled when determining visibility
#2755 opened by toy - 3
- 1
Capybara Chrome resets developer tools between tests
#2754 opened by rbclark - 1
- 1
Capybara throwing error "undefined method `needs_server?' for :selenium_headless_in_container:Symbol"
#2752 opened by nathanhamilton - 5
- 2 took too long to respond - Capybara 3.40.0 (but works with 3.39.2)
#2744 opened by jibai31 - 1
disable_animation option doesn't work if app uses Rack::Deflater middleware (gzip)
#2740 opened by mattbrictson - 4
TypeError: arguments[0] is null
#2729 opened by mockdeep - 1
Full page screenshot not working
#2738 opened by SofiaSousa - 2
Capybara Selenium Driver compatible issue chrome browser
#2717 opened by 9211ali - 3
Ruby 3.2.2 and Rails 7.1.2 Issues
#2732 opened by RailsCod3rFuture - 1
- 3
turbo-cable-stream-source element cannot be found
#2723 opened by lazylester - 2
`Compound Matcher Expressions`
#2724 opened by boris-petrov - 2
Chromedriver option needs update since chrome 120
#2725 opened by aandis - 3
`Rack::Handler is deprecated` warning when using Rails 7.1 beta and Rack 3
#2705 opened by mattbrictson - 1
Remove _Packages_ from repository
#2718 opened by akirataguchi115 - 2
Add HTML details click helper
#2722 opened by bkuhlmann - 1
Rack::Test fails to load `about:blank`
#2712 opened by esanzgar - 1
Unable to find table row by Hash/Keyword Arguments
#2719 opened by andrewhavens - 1
Capybara Headless Chrome Raising Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
#2713 opened by Meowcenary - 0
Capybara::RackTest::Browser#refresh includes changes to environment hash during previous request processing
#2710 opened by jeremyevans - 1
have_checked_field doesn't work when an <input> is nested inside a <label>
#2707 opened by lukaszmakuch - 0
Rubydocs do not load or load extremely slowly
#2704 opened by locopati - 3
Capybara.string doesn't capture CSS classes containing ":"
#2699 opened by esmale - 10
find raises Javascript error
#2697 opened by yoavCodemonkey - 1
Feature Request: Click links that span multiple lines
#2698 opened by rlgreen91 - 2
- 3
Add a has_test_id? matcher
#2694 opened by tmaier - 1
When I'm using click on is not redirecting
#2692 opened by pargara