Welcome to skills-base đź‘‹


  1. The objective behind this application is to maintain the skillsets and proficiency level of all CV employees at a centralized location. CRUD operations along with reports will help management and People Success Team to understand employees’ competency levels and to guide them for the next levels (also to utilize them over projects)
  2. A skills matrix is a framework used to map employees' skills and their levels. It's a grid that contains information about available skill and their evaluation. It is used to manage, plan, and monitor existing and desired skills for a role, team, department, project, or an entire company.

Wiki pages to know more about the Skill Matrix Application

Required setup to run locally.

  • JDK 11
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Maven
  • MySQL DB

Steps how to run servvice locally using IntelliJ IDE.

To run the application locally follow the below steps:

  1. Open intelliJ Idea
  2. Go to file >> New >> Project from Version Control
  3. In the URL section, enter the Skill-Base repository link (https://github.com/teamclairvoyant/skills-base.git).
  4. Click on clone button.
  5. Once the project is clone, open the ClariseMainApplication class.
  6. Run the application from main class

Build and Start without IDE.

To clone the project and build locally:

git clone https://github.com/teamclairvoyant/skills-base.git 
cd skills-base/ClariseMain
mvn clean install

Now, we're ready to launch the service.

java -jar skills-base/ClariseMain/target/Clarise-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

This will start the service on default port of 8080 connected to local DB.

To Stop

To gracefully stop, ctrl+c

Link how to access swagger ui locally:

To access swagger UI locally we can use below link (http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html)