
:book: The Playbook holds all the rules we must follow when writing code at AMARO.

The Playbook


The Playbook holds all the rules we must follow when writing code at AMARO.


All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, no matter how many people contributed. - Rick Waldron

It is harder to read code than to write it. - Joel Spolsky

Arguments over style are pointless. There should be a single style guide and you should follow it. - Rebecca Murphey

Websites are systems rather than pages and as soon as we stop perceiving them as that, the better. - Anna Debenham


List of styleguides that we must follow when writing code at AMARO.

Cool articles

Before you dive deep in our front-end environment & workflow, take some time to read these interesting articles from our knowledge base. They will help set your mind for what's next and why we chose to follow some rules and patterns.



This is a living project. So you don't need to agree with everything presented by these documents. Feel free to open an issue to discuss changes and improvements.


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Made with ❤️ at AMARO.