
Liquid syntax mode for Sublime Text 2

Primary LanguagePython

(Siteleaf) Liquid support for Sublime Text

This is a fork of the shopify-liquid syntax, which was based off of the Djaniero package for Django.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Put the contents of this repo directly inside the Sublime Text packages directory (Submlime Text > Preferences > Browse Packages).

Or use PackageControl.

You might need to switch to the syntax mode. (cmd + p, search for Liquid, "Set Syntax: HTML (Liquid)")


To show the autocomplete suggestions, your cursor must be within a tag markup or output marker wrapper ({% %} or {{ }})

Then press ctrl + spacebar, or add the following to your user settings file:

"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment, text.html.liquid punctuation.output.liquid, text.html.liquid punctuation.tag.liquid"


Some handy snippets:

IF statement

if + tab >>>

{% if $1 %}
{% endif %}

Tag markup

% + tab >>>

{% $1 %}

For a full list, check out the "Snippets" folder.