This is a fork of the Siteleaf & shopify-liquid syntax, which was based off of the Djaniero package for Django.
- Clone or Download this repo
- Put the contents of this repo directly inside the Sublime Text packages directory (Submlime Text > Preferences > Browse Packages).
Or use PackageControl.
You might need to switch to the syntax mode. (cmd + p
, search for Liquid, "Set Syntax: HTML (Liquid)")
To show the autocomplete suggestions, your cursor must be within a tag markup or output marker wrapper ({% %}
or {{ }}
Then press ctrl + spacebar
, or add the following to your user settings file:
"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment, text.html.liquid punctuation.output.liquid, text.html.liquid punctuation.tag.liquid"
block + tab >>>
{% block $1 %}{% endblock %}
IF statement
if + tab >>>
{% if $1 %}
{% endif %}
Check the "Snippets" folder for more.