
Handbook URLs checker

imaduddinamajid opened this issue · 9 comments

The Story

Handbook documents: User story & Work process

As a Nitean,
I want to check every URL in Niteo Handbook,
so that everyone can avoid accessing broken URL when reading the Handbook.


There are several broken URL in our Handbook, e.g. onboarding process in this page.


Therefore, we need a system to find all URLs in Handbook and check the status of every URL, whether return response 200 live or 404 down.


Add URLs checker step in local and Travis build so every PR will have its URL fixed when containing any broken URL.


The URLs checker could not find the broken URLs.

Best practices (DoD)

  • Documentation is revised:
    e.g. help articles, handbook pages, Intra reports or technical docs.
  • Product users are informed. e.g. blog post describing a new major feature.
  • Test coverage is 100%.

Expectations (AC)

  • The handbook has URLs checker
  • The handbook URLs checker is run locally
  • The handbook URLs checker is run on travis
  • User story demo uploaded to sprint release.

Add URLs checker step in Travis build so every PR will have its URL fixed when containing any broken URL.

We also need to be able to run it locally so that we see which links are broken.
Add this to proposal and AC.

Other than that it is good.

Story estimateSP: 2
Story estimateSP: 2
nkk0 commented
Story estimateSP: 3
by-cx commented
Story estimateSP: 2

@imaduddinamajid PR is not merged so you cannot ticked any of the AC items.

OK Karantan.

by-cx commented

Just a note, if there are links to GitHub, not all repositories are available publicly so the script should be logged into Github to check its URLs.

@by-cx For the meantime, I have whitelisted all private repositories so they can be ignored by the urls checker. You can find them here.