Drupal Console

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The Drupal Console brings the Symfony Console Component to Drupal 8.

With the Drupal Console, you can quickly generate the code and files required by Drupal 8 for new modules or to upgrade existing modules.

Additionally, you can use the Console to interact with your Drupal installation.

Supported version

Drupal 8.0.0-beta6


You can read or download the Drupal Console Documentation at gitbooks.io.


// Run this in your terminal to get the latest Console version:
$ curl -LSs http://drupalconsole.com/installer | php

// Or if you don't have curl:
$ php -r "readfile('http://drupalconsole.com/installer');" | php

// To access the Console from anywhere your system, move console.phar and rename it to drupal:
$ mv console.phar /usr/local/bin/drupal

// Show all available Drupal Console commands.
$ drupal

// Generate a module.
$ drupal generate:module



Supporting organizations

Blink Reaction Indava