
Run a docker registry on a home network

Primary LanguagePHP

Home Docker Registry

This project provides the necessary tools to serve a Docker registry on a home network.


The documentation assumes that the registry will be deployed on the local network at docker.registry.local.

Substitute this for your local ip address or hostname.


This project provides a single service to serve a Docker registry on a home network. The registry is served over HTTP and is not secured and is not intended to be accessed over WAN connection.

The intended purposes for this service are:

  1. Keep local copies of images to reduce bandwidth and speed up deployments.
  2. Store images that you want to keep private, without using a third party service like Dockerhub, ECR, etc.
  3. Serve images to other hosts on your network.

Starting the registry

Copy .example.env to .env:

cp -n .example.env .env

Edit .env to set the desired values.

Serve the registry with:

docker-compose up -d

You should now be able to pull an image from Dockerhub via the registry:

docker pull docker.registry.local:5000/alpine:latest

Configuring a Systemd Service

A service template is provided that you can install on a server. This will define a service named docker-registry that will start automatically when the system boots:


Start, stop, reload and service status can be managed with:

sudo systemctl start docker-registry
sudo systemctl stop docker-registry
sudo systemctl reload docker-registry
sudo systemctl status docker-registry

Configuring Hosts

Once you have configured a local registry, you can configure other Docker hosts on your network to use it as a mirror.

Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json to use the local registry as a mirror:

  "registry-mirrors": ["http://docker.registry.local:5000"]

Note for Docker Desktop Mac Users

You should configure this via the Dashboard app.

Go to Preferences -> Docker Engine and add the registry-mirrors to the daemon configuration, and then restart Docker Desktop.

You can verify this is working by monitoring the registry service:

# On registry host
cd /path/to/this/project
docker compose logs -f registry

Then attempt to pull an image on the client host you've configured:

# On client host
docker pull alpine:latest

You should see some log entries appear on the registry host.


I've reviewed Portus and Harbor. Portus is no longer maintained, and Harbor seems overly complicated. If this project were intended for a large audience, it might make sense to implement these. However, for a small home network, I think this project is sufficient.

However, there are some features that could be useful:

  • Define a cleanup command to run periodically and remove old / unused images.
  • Define a command that backs up registry data to a remote location.
  • Provide a simple gui to list available images:
    • Mirrored from Dockerhub
    • Uploaded to the local registry

Registry API

Refer to the HTTP API V2 documentation.

You can also refer to docs/registry-api.json which contains a list of titles and requests extracted from the documentation above.