
ETL in FFA between ZKTeco fingerprints database and Marketflow/Bankflow core banking system

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a server-side program that links the ZKTeco fingerprints machine database (MS Access file from ZKAccess 3.5) in FFA to Marketflow/Bankflow to log out users who are not in the building (and not let them log in).

It is divided into the following parts:

  1. updater:
  • runs every 2 mins
  • copies the ZKTeco database (access mdb file) from a laptop to the local machine
  • imports copied access file to server database (MySql) using MDBtoMySQL, which wraps mdbtools
  • reads tables in MySql database and spits out table of lock/unlock for each user
  • triggers the copier worker (below)
  1. copier:
  • copies lock/unlock table from local database (MySql) to a foreign database (SQL Server)
    • these foreign databases are all ODBC DNS entries in the odbc.ini file mounted into /etc/odbc
  • triggers a user-defined web-hook
  1. ui:
  • user web interface served at port 80
  • javascript+angular


Method 1: local clone of repository

  1. Create on target MF/BF databases

    -- On Mf PriceFarm ms sql d/b (once for lebanon and once for dubai)
    DEPTNAME                        varchar (60),
    mfid  varchar (40),
    bfid  varchar (40),
    Name varchar (40),
    Locked bit
  2. clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/shadiakiki1986/ffa-zkteco-mfbf
    cd ffa-zkteco-mfbf
  3. Place your copies of odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini to copier/etc/odbc folder

  • a sample file is provided in copier/etc/odbc/odbc-sample.ini
  • all sources in the odbc.ini file will be used to copy to
  • note that fields mfid_lb and bfid_lb are used by default.
  • When the ODBC DSN is MarketflowAccDB or MarketflowBsalimDxb, then mfid_db and bfid_db are used
  • mf/bf userids are input in the ZKAccess program, user info, under fields:
  • marketflow lebanon: MINZU
  • bankflow lebanon: TITLE
  • marketflow dubai: SSN
  • bankflow dubai: OPHONE
  1. pull git submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Update the table name in the Marketflow SQL Server to which you want to copy the locks: SQL_SERVER_TABLE in docker-compose.yml
  3. run services with docker-compose
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=choosepass
export HCHK_UPDATE=https://hchk.io/123-123-123-123
export HCHK_CHECKMOUNT=https://hchk.io/123-123-123-123
docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit

Method 2: include services as part of your own docker-compose

  1. Create on target MF/BF databases as in method 1 above
  2. clone the repository into the folder containing your docker-compose.yml file
  3. append the docker-compose.yml file in this repository to your own docker-compose.yml
  • alternatively, launch your services using multiple docker-compose.yml files using the -f flag from docker-compose

Method 3: build ffa-zkteco-mfbf into a single bundled service in one Dockerfile


FROM docker/compose:1.9.0

RUN apk -U add git
WORKDIR /code/ffa-zkteco-mfbf
RUN git clone https://github.com/shadiakiki1986/ffa-zkteco-mfbf .
COPY ./etc .
RUN test -f ./etc/odbc.ini && test -f ./etc/odbcinst.ini

# copied from https://hub.docker.com/r/docker/compose/tags/1.9.0/
ENTRYPOINT /usr/bin/docker-compose up 
# ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c"]

docker-compose.yml section

      context: ffa-zkteco-mfbf
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    # the docker-compose.yml in the repo already serves at 8083 by default
    # ports:
    # - "8084:8083"
    - MYSQL_PASSWORD=somepass
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock



  • The MDBtoMySQL script is already tested on travis-ci
  • for the bin/update.sh script wrapping it, just run an example usage
  • test that a local run lock is set to avoid parallel runs if a run is slower than 2 mins
  • test that stale lock is automatically removed
  • test that a locks table is updated
  • test that nats signal is sent out at end of update


Unit tests

vendor/bin/phpunit tests/unit

Integration test

export MYSQL_PASSWORD=somepass
docker-compose up db

export MYSQL_DATABASE=test
export UPDATER_MYSQLHOST=localhost
export MYSQL_DATABASE=ffa_price_farm
export MYSQL_USER=ffaFingerprints
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=somepass

vendor/bin/phpunit tests/integration

End-to-end test:

  • check that api.php is running
  • check that natsListener.php is listening and can trigger a copy
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=somepass
docker-compose up nats db

export MYSQL_DATABASE=ffa_price_farm
export MYSQL_USER=ffaFingerprints
php bin/natsListener.php

docker-compose run --entrypoint "nats --server nats://localhost:4222" updater



  • updater: why does cron job not output mysql warnings?
  • add "date of last update"
  • add check if MF ID is valid
  • add copyLocksToMf (similar to putLocks) to FingerprintsClient


  • split out from updater a docker-MDBtoMySQL repo that has cron+nats capability
  • replace cron with jobber
  • add plot total users in bank versus time
  • add socket connection for live update in open window
  • add audio notification + highlight of rows most recently updated
  • add register email alert for "in bldg" change of a user

Useful notes

Please check importantQueries.txt

--- On FFA 2.0 mysql datbabase
--- The following is how I got to this file: mdb-schema ~/att2000.mdb mysql > att2000.sql
--- Before launching this, create the user for fingerprints
--- Use the same username and pass as in config.sh mysqlUser and mysqlPass
--- CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
--- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ffa_price_farm.* To 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
--- use ffa_price_farm;
-- Note that datatime fields in ms sql server become timestamp