
'Dockerized' carto environment for development and testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CARTO is an open platform for analyze located data. This projects is aims to 'dockerized' carto for development and testing.

The project was created for solves this issue at the fork repository: https://github.com/teanocrata/cartodb. For this reason all images are builded from official cartodb repos except cartodb.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Clone the repository to create a local copy on your computer:

$ git clone https://github.com/teanocrata/carto.git

From the root of the repo, build docker images:

$ docker-compose build

Start containers

Our goal is start all containers with the following sentence, but there are some issues blocking it

$ docker-compose up -d
  1. First time you start cartodb-postgresql service container, it configures the database an runs install cheack > test. You can start only this service and wait until tests passing. $ docker-compose up -d cartodb-postgresql
  2. Follow tail until test passing, you can exit tail with Ctrl+C docker-compose logs -f --tail="all"
  3. Start cartodb-redis $ docker-compose up -d cartodb-redis
  4. Start cartodb-sql-api $ docker-compose up -d cartodb-sql-api
  5. Start windshaft-cartodb $ docker-compose up -d windshaft-cartodb
  6. Start cartodb $ docker-compose up -d cartodb

Attach to cartodb container to setting up an user CartoDB Platform Documentation: Running CartoDB

$ docker exec -ti carto_cartodb_1 bash

Create a development user from carto_cartodb_1 container. Let’s suppose that we are going to create a development env and that our user/subdomain is going to be ‘development’.

# sh script/create_dev_user
# exit

With previous domain, add entries to /etc/host (In your local machine) needed in development

$ echo " development.localhost.lan" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

You should now be able to access http://<mysubdomain>.localhost.lan:3000 in your browser and login with the password specified above.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them



Development configuration

'docker-compose.development.yml' is a docker-compose file that creates a complete development environment for cartodb, it mounts a volume with the code and launch an atom editos with all configurations than you need. You have an step by step example here
