
My Go knowledge base, shared collaboratively. Meant to be used with Obsidian.

This will be a quick guide into how to get this repository working, and how the workflow for it will look like.

Starting from scratch

First thing you need to do is press Fork, and fork my repo to your end. The processes that follow, assume that you have SSH set up. If you don't have it set up, follow this source for it

Step 1: Navigate to your folder of choice, and git clone your-ssh-link-copied-from-clipboard

^^ Copy from here (this is an example btw)

Step 2: cd go-vault Step 3: git remote add upstream https://github.com/TheAntiSnipe/go-vault.git

This concludes the setup!

Working on changes and pushing them to the main vault

Okay, so you've got changes that you've made, and you want to send them up to the main vault so everyone can see them.

Step 1: Navigate to your vault Step 2: (Optional) If there's been changes to the upstream repo, git pull upstream main Step 2: git add . Step 3: git commit -m "(Name of person) : (A short description of changes)" Step 4: git push -u origin main

At step 4, your changes are up on your local fork, on GitHub. Open your browser, open GitHub to your fork. You'll see something like this: ^^ Again, remember that this is just an example. Anyway, click on Contribute, Open Pull Request, and merge your pull request. If you're a contributor I know and have added, you can merge it yourself. If you aren't, one of the collaborators will push it for you later.

An important note:

.gitignore is set to ignore a folder named handwritten-and-pdf-references. If you have handwritten notes or pdf reference books or anything of the kind, 1. Make sure it isn't copyrighted stuff that you're putting up, especially in the case of books. This is apublic repo. 2. Put it into the folder with the same name so GitHub doesn't yeet 300MB of notes into the repo (believe me, I've made that mistake, and boy was it an oopsie).

And that's about it! I'm not very good at version control myself, so if anyone here has changes and best practices they want me to add to this list, let me know!

Anti out!