
The Official Repository for viral.in project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


[US-EN] viral.in is an application to advertise products where there are promotors/referrals who are going to receive points which can be liquidified into their respective balance account.

[INA] viral.in merupakan aplikasi untuk mengiklankan produk dimana ada promotor / referal yang membantu dalam mempromosikan iklan tersebut, kemudian nantinya referal akan mendapatkan point yang dapat di cairkan dalam bentuk saldo rekening.

alt text
viral.in architecture

! please only make changes in your dev branch

File Structure

--api		/* our backend source */
--ref		/* media resources such as images, logo, media, documents */
--viralin	/* frontend source */

How to push to master

  1. Make sure you are currently in dev-<yourname> branch. If you are currently in master, switch by git checkout dev-<yourname>.
  2. git add .
  3. git commit -m "<message>"
  4. git checkout master
  5. git pull
  6. git checkout <branch_name>
  7. git rebase master
  8. git checkout master
  9. git merge <branch_name>
  10. git push

Get back to work

  1. You are now in branch master. Go back to your dev branch by git checkout <branch_name>
  2. Push your changes in your own branch by git push

Useful git tools

  • git status To check your git current situation, including where branch you at and staged/unstaged changes. Also contains hints what to do next.
  • git log To see past commits and its details. Including commitID
  • git reset --HARD Completely unstage current changes. !!! ALL YOUR UNSAVED CHANGES WILL BE LOST !!!
  • git revert <commit-id> Go back to commit with id