
Evail web debugger for Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure


Dr. Evil is a "web debugger". You add Dr. Evil at a secret path in your web application and you get a Clojure REPL on your running web application.

As the name implies, it's probably a bad idea to use it in production - it's a huge security risk - there is no sandboxing whatsoever.


Add Dr. Evil to your project.clj:

[dr-evil "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Include the EVIL macro inside your defroutes, for example:

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] "Nothing here! (try /evil)")
  (EVIL "/evil")
  (route/not-found "Dude! I can't find it."))

Then run your web server, access your "secret" path and start debugging.




Q: Typing my.ns/foo is too much, how can I switch to my.ns?

A: (set-ns! "my.ns"), when you want to switch back, you need to use the full name (dr.evil/set-ns! "another.ns")


Copyright (C) 2010 Miki Tebeka <miki.tebeka@gmail.com>

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.